Hi all,
First of all thanks for making this huge resource which is very useful for all kinds of people.
Let me write about my query, I am a 30 yr old male. I am quite active and workout with weights regularly. I consider myself healthy and fit, with only little fat. Apart from this I sometimes have some fatigue symptoms, most of which are not that consistent but will still persist. I especially suffer from sleepiness especially after carb rich meals. I did run bloods in the past and all was fine, however no hormones were assayed.
About 2 years ago I ran a couple of AAS cycles, ran these using correct protocols, PCT, etc. The following months I started to have more fatigue related episodes. I ran some tests and found that there was some thyroid issues. After a couple of months (must have been some 3 months+ since I finished the PCT) I also checked testosterone levels, which were low.
I always had some suspect that I might have low testosterone, however there were no strong symptoms.
Libido/erections were ok, energy was ok apart from that bad day, and the usual sleepiness.
I then visited an endocrinologist who ordered tests. After which he suggested starting TRT with Test E, 250mg every month. I started this but, after a couple of months began taking 100mg every week as many here do and a divided 1mg arimidex tab twice a week. I told this to the endo and he’s ordered Nebido to avoid the frequent injections and fluctuations.
I have also tried using Pregnenolone too but didn’t feel any effect. I’m also undecided if I should use HCG.
I have not done much blood checking after starting TRT but I am feeling better. Most improvements were mental (focus, drive, etc) more than physical.
I will run a follow up port trt blood test next week.
I shall post blood tests that were taken before the TRT started, so you can get an idea of how it was:
Free T4 (Serum) 9.94 L [11-18 pmol/L] Final
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Serum) 1.680 [0.3-3 mIU/L] Final
Free T4 (Serum) 13.10 [11-18 pmol/L] Final
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Serum) 3.720 H [0.3-3 mIU/L] Final
Free T4 (Serum) 12.40 [11-18 pmol/L] Final
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Serum) 3.300 H [0.3-3 mIU/L] Final
Free T4 (Serum) 13.50 [11-18 pmol/L] Final
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Serum) 1.520 [0.3-3 mIU/L] Final
Free T4 (Serum) 12.90 [11-18 pmol/L] Final
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Serum) 4.580 H [0.3-3 mIU/L] Final
Last test
Free T4 (Serum) 11.10 [11-18 pmol/L] Final
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Serum) 2.130 [0.3-3 mIU/L] Final
Free T3 (Serum) 6.25 [2.76-6.45 pmol/L] Final
I suspect that I might have been Iodine deficient in the previous tests. Last test and since I have been taking a multivitamin with Iodine. I did take multivitamin in the previous tests but they were less strong.
Hormone tests:
FSH 1.2
LH 2.2
PRL 354.7
Test 7.0
Oestradiol (Serum) 104.0 [0-206 pmol/L] Final
FSH (Serum) 1.9 [0.7-11.1 U/L] Final
Growth Hormone (Serum) 0.07 [0-3 ug/L] Final
Luteinising Hormone (Serum) 1.2 [0.8-7.6 U/L] Final
Prolactin (Serum) 136.0 [53-360 mU/L] Final
Total Testosterone 9.36 [5.55-25.2 nmol/L] Final
Cortisol AM (Serum) 372 [119-618 nmol/L] Final
DHEAS (Serum) 6.89 [2.17-15.2 umol/L] Final
Total Testosterone 8.98 [5.55-25.2 nmol/L] Final
Luteinising Hormone (Serum) 2.4 [0.8-7.6 U/L] Final
Progesterone (Serum) <0.64 L [0.86-2.9 nmol/L] Final
Oestradiol (Serum) 110.0 [0-206 pmol/L] Final
Cortisol AM (Serum) 331 [119-618 nmol/L] Final
FSH (Serum) 2.7 [0.7-11.1 U/L] Final
Prolactin (Serum) 164.0 [53-360 mU/L] Final
A bone density test was also ordered and Femoral neck was -1.4 and Spine -1.8
Other tests such as an EEG, ECG, chest x-ray and brain MRI were all ‘OK’.
Blood pressure is 120/80.
Have quite a hairy body and got my gf pregnant easily during the months i had these labs.
A separate doctor ordered a sleep study which resulted fine, but none the less he suspected narcolepsy and prescribed Modafinil, which although helps I feel is not the solution.
So apart from the lab showing low test and low bone density, I dont have much low t symptoms except for occasional lethargy.
Do you think that I need to run any other bloods extra to the ones taken, and is it necessary that I run trt, or can I restart the HPTA and maybe get acceptable natural test levels, if test suppression was caused with the AAS use, unless this is a genetic issue.
Thanks for any feedback.