[quote]Uncle Gabby wrote:
tom63 wrote:
hedo wrote:
I know a lot of T-Men are avid shooters.
I am considering the purchase of a Glock, the Model 19. Primary use will be CCW and occasional IDPA matches.
Normally carry a SW5906 and also shoot IDPA with it. I borrowed a Glock 19 for a match yesterday and was impressed with the speed and accuracy of the pistol.
Any thoughts on the Glock19 from those who own one?
I have the 19 and 23. They are both great guns especially for the price. nothing beats the 1911 45 caliber in my book, but you need to drop a total of 2000$ to get them perfect.
The glock is great out of the box. i would recommend cor bon ammo for it. They have the most ballistic energy per bullet size, at least what I’ve seen.
Actually, I threw down $769 on my Colt 1911, which came slightly customized out of the box, and am very satisfied with it. I will spend another $50 on it sooner or later for Hogue grips and a longer slide release, but that’s it.
That’s a good deal. I bought a SA commander model in 1992 that was a custom carry gun built by John Yanek. It cost about 900$. now a similiar smithed pistol would run 2000$ or more. Hell, the Wilsons can go up to 4000$
Of course, you don’t need much more than a trigger job and the feed ramp polished. My SA has a videcki trigger, a trigger job, scalloped ejection port, feed ramp polished, bevelled mag well, larger hi viz fixed sights, a differnt hammer with the whole gun smoothed over. No rough edges.
I’m planning to get a SA worked over soon. This is a full size model.