Do yourself a favor and go over to Get the free two week trial. Love him or hate him, you cannot deny he is wicked smart. I just got through watching him break down the Benghazi tragedy and cover up in such a thorough and detailed way that I am left in admiration.
Real News is the best news show I have found and Wilkow just shreds the pablum that comes out of the lame stream media.
He started this network less than one and a half years ago and I will be surprised if it is not challenging Fox within five years.
He did a magnificent job his first 14 or 16 moths on FOX. Best guy on TV in my opinion as far as having a clear vision of the enemy activities of the Obama regime.
[quote]Mick28 wrote:
I used to love to watch Beck on FOX, but they had a falling out I read somewhere. I will check it out thanks.[/quote]
You won’t be sorry. They also have kids programming, documentaries, a reality show and comedy specials on the weekends. [/quote]
The way that man bastardizes Thomas Paine’s name to propagate his self centered agenda is disgusting. Someone should send him a copy of “The Age of Reason” so that bullshit charade of admiration for one of the greatest Founding Fathers ends.
Paine would not have been on his side of much of what he says this is true, but who cares. Most of the other founders would have been and it doesn’t change what his main points are.
I remember Beck when he was on FOX every evening. He spoke about how this “Arab Spring” that the Obama people were touting as being good would turn and bite us in the back. And he was spot on. No one on the left likes to give this guy credit but he is right far more than he’s wrong.
He was very right very much of the time when I was watching him. He was especially good at sniffing out these insane leftist goons like Van Jones that Obama was predictably surrounding himself with.
[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
He was very right very much of the time when I was watching him. He was especially good at sniffing out these insane leftist goons like Van Jones that Obama was predictably surrounding himself with.[/quote]
I remember how he outed Van Jones. Shortly after that Van Jones resigned from the Obama administration. By the way Tirib one can easily spot what a person is like by the people that he surrounds himself with. Obama is far more left than most realize. But that will be obvious for all to see before the end of his second term. In fact, he’s already said that he wants to not only raise taxes on the job creators but he has no intentions of touching entitlements. What happened to all of his talk about compromising with the House republicans?
The guy is a left win ideologue! And over the next four years Beck is going to be pounding him like a drum, I look forward to it.
[quote]ZEB wrote:
I remember Beck when he was on FOX every evening. He spoke about how this “Arab Spring” that the Obama people were touting as being good would turn and bite us in the back. And he was spot on. No one on the left likes to give this guy credit but he is right far more than he’s wrong. [/quote]
If he is indeed right more than he’s wrong (which I seriously doubt), this isn’t a great example. In the wake of the Arab Spring, warnings about ways in which it could sour were ubiquitous.
NYT: “To many Islamist ideologues, the Arab Spring simply represents the removal of obstacles that stood in the way of establishing the caliphate.”
The point here is that even before Mubarak’s resignation it was pretty unremarkable to note the possibility that the Arab Spring could end up being a net loss for Western interests.
[quote]ZEB wrote:
I remember Beck when he was on FOX every evening. He spoke about how this “Arab Spring” that the Obama people were touting as being good would turn and bite us in the back. And he was spot on. No one on the left likes to give this guy credit but he is right far more than he’s wrong. [/quote]
If he is indeed right more than he’s wrong (which I seriously doubt), this isn’t a great example. In the wake of the Arab Spring, warnings about ways in which it could sour were ubiquitous.
NYT: “To many Islamist ideologues, the Arab Spring simply represents the removal of obstacles that stood in the way of establishing the caliphate.”
The point here is that even before Mubarak’s resignation it was pretty unremarkable to note the possibility that the Arab Spring could end up being a net loss for Western interests.[/quote]
LOL…smh usually you’re not this obvious. Please stop this is far beneath you.
[quote]ZEB wrote:
I remember Beck when he was on FOX every evening. He spoke about how this “Arab Spring” that the Obama people were touting as being good would turn and bite us in the back. And he was spot on. No one on the left likes to give this guy credit but he is right far more than he’s wrong. [/quote]
If he is indeed right more than he’s wrong (which I seriously doubt), this isn’t a great example. In the wake of the Arab Spring, warnings about ways in which it could sour were ubiquitous.
NYT: “To many Islamist ideologues, the Arab Spring simply represents the removal of obstacles that stood in the way of establishing the caliphate.”
The point here is that even before Mubarak’s resignation it was pretty unremarkable to note the possibility that the Arab Spring could end up being a net loss for Western interests.[/quote]
LOL…smh usually you’re not this obvious. Please stop this is far beneath you. [/quote]
I don’t see what’s wrong with this–the argument is that if Beck should be commended for his foresight regarding the Arab Spring, then so should the boatload of other pundits of every ideological stripe who showed the same foresight.
More simply I’d say that the dangers posed by democratic movements in the Middle East were and are patently obvious. When half of a country’s people support the stoning of adulterers, popular rule can get ugly. The danger of an extremist power-grab was just as obvious.
[quote]ZEB wrote:
I remember Beck when he was on FOX every evening. He spoke about how this “Arab Spring” that the Obama people were touting as being good would turn and bite us in the back. And he was spot on. No one on the left likes to give this guy credit but he is right far more than he’s wrong. [/quote]
If he is indeed right more than he’s wrong (which I seriously doubt), this isn’t a great example. In the wake of the Arab Spring, warnings about ways in which it could sour were ubiquitous.
NYT: “To many Islamist ideologues, the Arab Spring simply represents the removal of obstacles that stood in the way of establishing the caliphate.”
The point here is that even before Mubarak’s resignation it was pretty unremarkable to note the possibility that the Arab Spring could end up being a net loss for Western interests.[/quote]
LOL…smh usually you’re not this obvious. Please stop this is far beneath you. [/quote]
I don’t see what’s wrong with this–the argument is that if Beck should be commended for his foresight regarding the Arab Spring, then so should the boatload of other pundits of every ideological stripe who showed the same foresight.
More simply I’d say that the dangers posed by democratic movements in the Middle East were and are patently obvious. When half of a country’s people support the stoning of adulterers, popular rule can get ugly. The danger of an extremist power-grab was just as obvious.[/quote]
The Arab Spring was just one of hundreds. The man can field strip a scenario or situation faster and better than anyone I have ever seen, and as I said I used to not like him at all.
You should give him an open mind smh23. Your profession is quickly falling into ill repute. Confidence in our media is taking a beating. I truly wish there were more left and right leaning mews people with his skills. We would all be better off and much better informed.
Goddamn Glen Beck is NOT news. Is Glen Beck a journalist? He’s a commentator and if he deserves respect for anything it’s for his commentary. But why should I see him as anything more than a conspiracy theorist?
He, like an increasing number of American ‘conservatives’, like to blame Obama for everything and think he’ll lead the US into armageddon, all while conveniently ignoring the past, what, 40 or so years of American history? Yeah, a change in American fiscal policy is going to bring down the country. I truly believe history will judge TARP and the Obama stimulus as applauded initiatives that helped mitigate the macro economic consequences of what can be characterised as the unprecedented collapse of the financial system. A lot of people don’t realise how bad the situation was.
And what’s all this B.S about the Arab Spring being bad for the US? Who cares. None of that was America’s business anyway. I know quite a few Egyptians and people from that part of the world and you don’t know how happy they were to at least FEEL that they and their people were free. They just an election recently - do you know what that meant to people over there?
[quote]Gettnitdone wrote:
Goddamn Glen Beck is NOT news. Is Glen Beck a journalist? He’s a commentator and if he deserves respect for anything it’s for his commentary. But why should I see him as anything more than a conspiracy theorist?
He, like an increasing number of American ‘conservatives’, like to blame Obama for everything and think he’ll lead the US into armageddon, all while conveniently ignoring the past, what, 40 or so years of American history? Yeah, a change in American fiscal policy is going to bring down the country. I truly believe history will judge TARP and the Obama stimulus as applauded initiatives that helped mitigate the macro economic consequences of what can be characterised as the unprecedented collapse of the financial system. A lot of people don’t realise how bad the situation was.
And what’s all this B.S about the Arab Spring being bad for the US? Who cares. None of that was America’s business anyway. I know quite a few Egyptians and people from that part of the world and you don’t know how happy they were to at least FEEL that they and their people were free. They just an election recently - do you know what that meant to people over there? [/quote]
Look, a friend has asked me to try not taking a flame thrower to every half wit and dimwit who throws out 120 or so words of nonsense and ignorance. So I guess it’s your lucky day.
Therefore, I strongly disagree with your uninformed statements and assumptions. The Arab Spring and the accompanying ascension of the muslim brotherhood will turn out to be a truly horrible event in history for those who would champion religious or even secular freedoms in those areas. Iran is emboldened and just begging someone to take them out in order to bring about the arrival of the twelfth Iman. There goes the old boss. Same as the new boss. Meanwhile Israel finds itself in the truly awful position of being completely surrounded by enemies after having watched it’s greatest ally pull away for four years.
As far as the events surrounding tarp and the stimulus, I believe they will eventually recognized as the final nails in the coffin of Keynesian economics.
As far a realizing how bad it truly was; America was suffering massive financial turmoil, unemployment, and layoffs and the worst US president in the past century set about devoting an insane amount of time, clout and political currency and goodwill to implementing a Health Care bill that was not only unwanted but hated. He rammed it down the American people’s throat by hook or crook. We are daily discovering carnage that lies ahead relating to this abortion of a bill.
China had Mao…Mao is Dead and China is still Around as a Country.
Germany had Hitler…Hitler is Dead and Germany is still around as a Country.
Russia had Lenin and Stalin…Both are dead and Russia is still around as Country.
Japan had Hirohito…he is Dead, The place was fuckin 'Nuked ,and Japan is still around.
Obama is not even close to those other Assholes…We’ll survive, long term, if the other
Countries survived as Countries, we will. Bad Times happen to EVERY Country at one time or another,
we are NOT “Special” in that respect.
Do ‘conservatives’, especially on this site, just copy and paste the same old generic stuff from some billboard?
For someone that lambasts the evil mainstream media you guys sure like to recite lines from Beck and Beibart. I swear I hear your shit word for word every time I tune into a stupid show on Fox like Hannity.
I’m not going to bother to even post here any more until I find a right-wing poster who can at least bring some unique points and not call factually based observations ignorant.
Israel should be kissing Obama’s ass. He took out more Islamic terrorists in 3 years than the U.S. did in the past 15.
[quote]Gettnitdone wrote:
Do ‘conservatives’, especially on this site, just copy and paste the same old generic stuff from some billboard?
For someone that lambasts the evil mainstream media you guys sure like to recite lines from Beck and Beibart. I swear I hear your shit word for word every time I tune into a stupid show on Fox like Hannity.
I’m not going to bother to even post here any more until I find a right-wing poster who can at least bring some unique points and not call factually based observations ignorant.
Israel should be kissing Obama’s ass. He took out more Islamic terrorists in 3 years than the U.S. did in the past 15.[/quote]
I feel ya’ bro. I feel the same when all you newly minted college liberals recite the same lame liberal pablum from whatever addled professor’s class you almost made it to that day.