My work here is almost done.[/quote]
Maybe if people get pessimistic enough about voting, it will be a good thing.
My work here is almost done.[/quote]
For theory purposes, what is the next step?
Look at the census, an influx of people moving away from shit-holes like NY and Cali into states without income tax. Keep it going. If all conservative people moved to the same area and kicked out all the assholes pushing big government it would work. Like Zeb said, Cali would implode, NY would implode, all hand out states can eat shit, and we go from there. You want gun control, move to a liberal state, you believe in the right to bare arms, move to a conservative state.
I don’t want to sound crazy, may still be, but it is no longer the “United” States of America. In the last 60 years 2 different ideologies have prevailed that cannot possibly coexist, something will eventually have to give. If the Constitution is outdated, then why can’t the thought of a United States be outdated as well. You are either for Big Ass Government, or against it, not much in between.
[quote]dk44 wrote:
I don’t want to sound crazy, may still be, but it is no longer the “United” States of America. In the last 60 years 2 different ideologies have prevailed that cannot possibly coexist, something will eventually have to give. If the Constitution is outdated, then why can’t the thought of a United States be outdated as well. You are either for Big Ass Government, or against it, not much in between.
We tried this once, remember? How did that work?
Oh, right, union types crushing the Southern states.
[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:
[quote]dk44 wrote:
I don’t want to sound crazy, may still be, but it is no longer the “United” States of America. In the last 60 years 2 different ideologies have prevailed that cannot possibly coexist, something will eventually have to give. If the Constitution is outdated, then why can’t the thought of a United States be outdated as well. You are either for Big Ass Government, or against it, not much in between.
We tried this once, remember? How did that work?
Oh, right, union types crushing the Southern states.[/quote]
This time there is no slavery card to pull. Look at how many people bounced outta NY in the past ten years. North/South no longer is the divider, Big Gov/Little Gov is.
Plus, I am not talking war here. I mean pack up and move. You can’t deny that some states are more conservative than others, some have more freedom, some less. So what would be wrong with a mass influx of conservatives moving to those states and starting fresh at the local levels?
I’m not American, but this is an interesting idea. I believe some Libertarians are trying to do this.
[quote]dk44 wrote:
Plus, I am not talking war here. I mean pack up and move. You can’t deny that some states are more conservative than others, some have more freedom, some less. So what would be wrong with a mass influx of conservatives moving to those states and starting fresh at the local levels?[/quote]
I can’t imagine anything like a Civil War here. But you are correct in that there are two competing ideologies. The Big Government one is turning into a massive failure. I fear though that those with vested interests in that ideology will not ‘go quietly into that good night’. They have a LOT of weapons…
[quote]PB Andy wrote:
HH… I fear I’ve misjudged you. Good post.[/quote]
TY! I regret giving you cause to misjudge me.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
[quote]dk44 wrote:
Plus, I am not talking war here. I mean pack up and move. You can’t deny that some states are more conservative than others, some have more freedom, some less. So what would be wrong with a mass influx of conservatives moving to those states and starting fresh at the local levels?[/quote]
I can’t imagine anything like a Civil War here. But you are correct in that there are two competing ideologies. The Big Government one is turning into a massive failure. I fear though that those with vested interests in that ideology will not ‘go quietly into that good night’. They have a LOT of weapons…
So what is the best course of action? Most of what I am talking about is in theory, you are right with regards to not going quietly into the night…I would like to believe that things are going to finally change, Zeb gives me hope, but I too feel that DEM/REP has slowly melted into the same batch of crap over the years. So what happens if 10 years from now the Big Gov ball hasn’t stopped rolling? I am losing faith in the American people. Too many idiots in the world to think that shit like the Patriot Act is going to be reversed. Too many people with their hand out wanting something for nothing, looking to sue first/work last, willing to give up any right to the state, etc. etc. etc. Losing hope that it can be fixed. How do you change a world where kids are told that learning civics is a waste of time, that guns are bad in all situations, that we need a nanny to tell us what to eat, that we can’t let certain business interests fail because they are too big no matter how shitty their structure, that my tax dollars go to fucking banks in other countries to bail them out, that I am racist for wanting our own boarders protected while our troops are being sent to protect other countries boarders better than in my own country. WTF!!! Who in their right mind thinks that a bigger Gov. is the answers. The fucking post office, joke. The DMV, joke. Social Security, joke. Medicare, joke. The biggest case study for big government, California, fucking joke. There was a time when Nancy Pelosi would be strung up, now she gets re elected without question. Bush is a republican? my ass. McCain is the best we offer up in 08, holy shit. At this rate in 50 years we will beg for an Obama as he will look like Regan compared to the shit we will have. Fuck it, I say we bring Hugo over and run him as the Republican candidate in 2012. Hell at least I won’t get my hopes up and vote for a liar in disguise.
[quote]dk44 wrote:
[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:
[quote]dk44 wrote:
I don’t want to sound crazy, may still be, but it is no longer the “United” States of America. In the last 60 years 2 different ideologies have prevailed that cannot possibly coexist, something will eventually have to give. If the Constitution is outdated, then why can’t the thought of a United States be outdated as well. You are either for Big Ass Government, or against it, not much in between.
We tried this once, remember? How did that work?
Oh, right, union types crushing the Southern states.[/quote]
This time there is no slavery card to pull. Look at how many people bounced outta NY in the past ten years. North/South no longer is the divider, Big Gov/Little Gov is.[/quote]
North and South are still somewhat divided, but the point of there no longer being a united “Amurrica” is the same.
[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:
[quote]dk44 wrote:
[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:
[quote]dk44 wrote:
I don’t want to sound crazy, may still be, but it is no longer the “United” States of America. In the last 60 years 2 different ideologies have prevailed that cannot possibly coexist, something will eventually have to give. If the Constitution is outdated, then why can’t the thought of a United States be outdated as well. You are either for Big Ass Government, or against it, not much in between.
We tried this once, remember? How did that work?
Oh, right, union types crushing the Southern states.[/quote]
This time there is no slavery card to pull. Look at how many people bounced outta NY in the past ten years. North/South no longer is the divider, Big Gov/Little Gov is.[/quote]
North and South are still somewhat divided, but the point of there no longer being a united “Amurrica” is the same.
I get what you’re saying, I am just venting I guess. Blah, shit all makes me sick.
[quote]dk44 wrote:
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
[quote]dk44 wrote:
Plus, I am not talking war here. I mean pack up and move. You can’t deny that some states are more conservative than others, some have more freedom, some less. So what would be wrong with a mass influx of conservatives moving to those states and starting fresh at the local levels?[/quote]
I can’t imagine anything like a Civil War here. But you are correct in that there are two competing ideologies. The Big Government one is turning into a massive failure. I fear though that those with vested interests in that ideology will not ‘go quietly into that good night’. They have a LOT of weapons…
So what is the best course of action? Most of what I am talking about is in theory, you are right with regards to not going quietly into the night…I would like to believe that things are going to finally change, Zeb gives me hope, but I too feel that DEM/REP has slowly melted into the same batch of crap over the years. So what happens if 10 years from now the Big Gov ball hasn’t stopped rolling? I am losing faith in the American people. Too many idiots in the world to think that shit like the Patriot Act is going to be reversed. Too many people with their hand out wanting something for nothing, looking to sue first/work last, willing to give up any right to the state, etc. etc. etc. Losing hope that it can be fixed. How do you change a world where kids are told that learning civics is a waste of time, that guns are bad in all situations, that we need a nanny to tell us what to eat, that we can’t let certain business interests fail because they are too big no matter how shitty their structure, that my tax dollars go to fucking banks in other countries to bail them out, that I am racist for wanting our own boarders protected while our troops are being sent to protect other countries boarders better than in my own country. WTF!!! Who in their right mind thinks that a bigger Gov. is the answers. The fucking post office, joke. The DMV, joke. Social Security, joke. Medicare, joke. The biggest case study for big government, California, fucking joke. There was a time when Nancy Pelosi would be strung up, now she gets re elected without question. Bush is a republican? my ass. McCain is the best we offer up in 08, holy shit. At this rate in 50 years we will beg for an Obama as he will look like Regan compared to the shit we will have. Fuck it, I say we bring Hugo over and run him as the Republican candidate in 2012. Hell at least I won’t get my hopes up and vote for a liar in disguise. [/quote]
What you proposed earlier, moving to conservative states and leaving the liberals to enjoy their liberal ‘paradise’, is probably what actually will happen just by default. People migrate away from what harms them. This would be a temporary solution though until the national government simply drains those states. It may be necessary to leave the USA.
Ayn Rand (Oh no, not her again!! XD ) in her ‘going on strike’ foresaw these events in Shrugged. If you decide to stay, work just enough to get by with nothing left over for the looters, is what she would say. Moving to another state is actually a way of going on strike, as she advocates.
LeBron James moved to Florida and taxes were actually a reason, btw.
“Shoot the criminalz and da drug dealahz.”
“The politicians would never allow it”
“You kill them first”
-Arnold(Red Heat)