Thank you in advance for reading this, your input and info. I recently purchased on line some anavar, stanzolol and turanabol from BD. From a different on line source I bought cytomel. I have no idea if any of the stuff I took is real or not.
I am in my 4th week of the cytomel from Abdi Ibrahim. This is the first time I have used cytomel. What type of fat loss usually occurs?
I have used before but from a personal source (that no longer exists :() and have seen amazing results, but can I trust on line sources from Europe? I havent seen the same results…
I do have other questions. But this is most important to me right now. Can someone help? Thank you again.
#1 you should always suppose it is real.
don’t start thinking it might be fake and then take to much because that could leave you in a world of trouble. #2 know your dosages, do your reasearch.
don’t over do it. #3 after you have done all these things than go ahead with it.
no way to really tell, other than to have it tested.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
MAKO068 wrote:
Has anyone had experience with the BD products?
Yes, and I got mine from a european internet site. I have used BD prop, tren ace, OT, durabol (Npp) and EQ. All seemed to do exactly what they should have… BD (if it is genuine BD) has a good rep for being accurately dosed, if expensive. Unfortunately BD is often copied.
I have not heard of cytomel being counterfeited, but hey, if there is profit to be made, then I’m sure some mofo out there will fake it.
Whats up bushman,
It must be nice over there in Wales with the laws you guys have. No problem at all, no worries.
I’m a little confused? It’s your cytomel that’s not a BD product that you think might be bogus. Right? If that’s the case then why are you asking about what a legit BD product looks like. Do you think your var and stan were fake?
I’m a little confused? It’s your cytomel that’s not a BD product that you think might be bogus. Right? If that’s the case then why are you asking about what a legit BD product looks like. Do you think your var and stan were fake?[/quote]
I dont know. Im just not seeing the gains that I thought I would. Especially in the fat loss dept. I bought ana and win from a friend and saw amazing gains. But Im just weary about these on line sites. Feel free to email me on here if you like. Trust me Im not a cop or a teenager. Im just confused with all the info I researched. Im not new to this…but just more disappointed.
this is a common problem,
for instance i just completed a cycle and imediately after started fat burning. i was horrified that my arms shrank 2 whole inches.
so i stopped all of the arobic activity now for almost three weeks and my size is comming back and i am again gainning.
comes with trying something new, i would’nt worry to much, that is sometimes the way it happens.
its the cytomel, that is what it is suppose to do is burn calories.
live and learn,
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
You began fat-burning immediately after your cycle ended (though as you have never heard of PCT, I doubt that you even know when your cycle truely ‘ended’) and you lost 2 inches on your arms… SURPRISE!!!..
At the end of a cycle, your androgen depleted body will struggle to maintain LBM, even if you eat hypercaloric and reduce your workout volume and intensity. BUT, you chose to eat LESS calories and do MORE training. Any wonder then? Still as you say, live and learn…
Another fucking poster child for people who shouldn’t use… Bushy I can’t believe you even bothered to give him real advice… Wasn’t this guy named Raul before his latest moniker?? Seriously, I have not taken the plunge (yet) and I can guarantee I won’t need to ask questions like ‘Whats PCT? plz explain…’
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I hear you bro but sometimes I just feel that it’s better to at least point people in the right direction rather than just ignore them.
thanks bushy. you have already been a big help.
Thank you in advance for reading this, your input and info. I recently purchased on line some anavar, stanzolol and turanabol from BD. From a different on line source I bought cytomel. I have no idea if any of the stuff I took is real or not.
I am in my 4th week of the cytomel from Abdi Ibrahim. This is the first time I have used cytomel. What type of fat loss usually occurs?
I have used before but from a personal source (that no longer exists :() and have seen amazing results, but can I trust on line sources from Europe? I havent seen the same results…
I do have other questions. But this is most important to me right now. Can someone help? Thank you again.
i would seriously doubt your cytomel is fake since it can be readily purchased for 20 to $25 per 100 tab bottle ; it makes no sense to fake something so cheap.
UN or Raul what ever you are calling your self these days. I know that I have seen you give AAS advice to others. If you dont know what PCT is I dont think you sould be giving advice to others.