[quote]Westclock wrote:
I love GHRP-6
Will not be going back.
Threw CJC on top of it at 1mg/week recently simply because I was curious and had some fall into my lap for fairly cheap, 2mg is the normal.
Haven’t noticed much yet from stacking the GHRP-6 with CJC, but its only been a week. GHRP-6 is very noticeable, the hunger, recovery, and definitely increased strength.
GHRP-6 not a “background” substance in my opinion. I will probably stay on it.
Lets say it does nothing significant GH wise…fine, even though medical test show it does increase GH signifigantly…
Its so cheap I would still run it simply to make me hungrier, best appetite stimulant I have ever found, and Ive tried it all.
Test, dbol, EQ, B12 have nothing on 200mcg of GHRP-6, even 100mcg which is likely the highest effective dosage at one time, is fantastic for appetite.
And does wonders for my joints, I have almost no joint issues while on it.
Even if its not anabolic in the slightest…and I feel it is, significantly.
A couple bucks a month for beautiful joint repair, some increased strength and more muscle fullness ?
Sounds like a great supplement to me.
And the strength. Its not just from eating more, but it literally makes you stronger.
Take 100mcg preworkout and after about a week your going to see some pretty fast gains in strength, nothing explosive, but its there.
I doubt that particularly fast acting effect is GH related, I think it has some sort of CNS effect that we are not aware of, and others seem to share my opinion simply based on how fast that little strength boost kicks in.
GH activity would not act so quickly. It has to have some sort of stimulant properties directly on the CNS itself in some form or fashion.
Could be slight water retention, it makes the muscles FULLER, much like creatine, but without the facial water retention (moon face).
The increased water in the muscles could be glycogen stores which would provide better hydration/leverage much as creatine does.
Either way, its cheap and effective even if it just makes you hold a little water or something, its too cheap to ignore completely.[/quote]
You’ve sold me.
What do you think about HGH Frag 176-19 as a fat burner? It alledgedly does not down-regulate you or have the blood sugar sisue like “real” HGH.