GH Frag 176-191aa

Just wanted to see what everyone’s opinion on this is…

The hype is that it is the portion of the GH molecule responsible for fatloss (without the portion responsible for anabolism)…you may ask why the fuck would I wanna cut out teh best part? The pitch is that it is supposed to be even more effective for fat loss on a mcg for mcg basis and since it doesn’t have the anabolic part you don’t get the sides like gut growth, acromagaly, and carpel tunnel even when running higher doses.

I am doing a little science project running HOT-ROX, 500mcg 2x/d 176-191aa frag, and 200mcg 2x/d GHRP-6 (I need a few months off from the gear after last cycle so I might as well run some peptides). I am only on day 2 thus far so I don’t have much to report but so far no negative sides to speak of except the usual hunger associated with the GHRP-6 which counter acts the hunger blunting effects of the HOT-ROX nicely (I like to really ramp up protein when dieting so the hunger helps as long as it isn’t constant like with EQ).

I will try to track results but if anyone has any experience or opinions I would love to hear them.


Are you counting on the GH release from the GHRP-6 to offset the potential catabolism? Or are you keeping your calories very close to maintenance and hoping the stims and peptide burn the fat (what I mean is does this fragment target fat cells making catabolism of muscle a non-issue)? Just curious.

TBH I threw in the G6 because I had some lying around but my thinking was sort of along those lines. It def wouldn’t hurt to throw it in and it might provide some synergy. at the very least it would give some assistance with my joints while I am ramping up my volume.