Getting The Most Out Of Test Boosters

Question: Is it a good idea to refrain from any kind of sexual activity when trying to get the most out of a T. Booser like TRIBEX/6-oxo?

You think you jizz testosterone?

No. I know I don’t jizz Testosterone. But isn’t testosterone involved with the production of semen? And if your body is using the extra T. in your system to manufacture semen, it won’t be available to do other things that you want it for. You won’t get the benefits of the T.Boost if it’s too busy doing something else. Or at least that’s my question.

Out of curiosity, I did some googling and found this in an article on -

"Chinese researchers conducted a study in 2003, and enlisted twenty-eight male volunteers to abstain from ejaculation for a period of one week. The participants were tested daily for deviations on serum testosterone levels. The Chinese study was the first to measure the influence of ejaculation frequency on serum testosterone levels, and the results are provocative.

Researchers found that abstaining from ejaculation for six days had no impact on serum testosterone levels. On the seventh day, serum testosterone levels peaked to 145.7% of baseline, and then declined rapidly on the eighth day."

from # Jiang M. Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men. Sheng Li Xue Bao 2002 Dec 25;54(6):535-8

Jiang M, Xin J, Zou Q, Shen JW. A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. J Zhejiang Univ Sci. 2003 Mar-Apr;4(2):236-40.

I don’t know how anyone would use those results or if they are even stable enough to make valid inferences, but it was interesting.

If one is looking to maximize test production they should refrain from any masturbatory or sexual practices for at least six months to a year. This is of course pure sarcasm and shouldn’t be taken seriously. The legit answer to your question is no. As if you could refrain anyway.


Yeah I’ve heard about that 7 day study before. I can hardly wait 7 hours to bump my lady, much less 7 days.

Yes, a week is a long time, but a 45% boost is quite substantial.

More research needs to be done in the field. But I don’t see why you guys are so quick to dismiss that Chinese study. Is it because the conclusion isn’t the one you want to hear? Is it because they’re Chinese? Did anyone actually look up that paper? I’m curious.

Their results seem pretty intuitive to me. But then again, what do I know?

[quote]lixy wrote:
Yes, a week is a long time, but a 45% boost is quite substantial.

More research needs to be done in the field. But I don’t see why you guys are so quick to dismiss that Chinese study. Is it because the conclusion isn’t the one you want to hear? Is it because they’re Chinese? Did anyone actually look up that paper? I’m curious.

Their results seem pretty intuitive to me. But then again, what do I know?[/quote]

I’m not dismissing it at all. I don’t have access to the journals, or else I would have looked them up. I want to know about sample size, daily Test variability, and some characteristics about the subjects. My hesitancy to make any conclusions from it stems from not knowing if this was actually a large stable effect or if it could be written off as random variability.

Even further, though, say there is a genuine effect- what does it mean? What do you do on day 7? I don’t know, and that’s what I’m curious about. If you just had one day of boosted test, how would you take advantage of it?

That’s all :slight_smile:

The only reason I could think of would be to peak for a competition. But even then there are a multitude of factors at work, and the study seems kind of worthless without knowing what they ate, activity levels, etc. Was the lack of ejaculation the only factor?

And hell, maybe that spike is your body telling you “Goddammit. Go get some!” What does that imply?

I’m with Brant. That’s your body telling you to pursue a “release.”

I think that spike was when the men finally had enough and disappeared into a bathroom. Then lied about it. Its communist china. They would of been shot for stuffing up a studies compliance ;).

Me… i would of made it to 2 days…