Getting My 20 Rep (Breathing) Squats On

04/01/25 C2 W2 D1 Bench

57x3 65x3 75x8 65x10 57x12

Swiss bar incline

Progress is progress and I’m happy with it, but my elbow has gone from “I can ignore this and hope it goes away” to “I need to do something about it”. The pain in the elbow has gravitated in to my forearm with what I can only describe is a numbing sensation. Not painful in my forearm, but all night shift I was conscious of it, I think I could sometimes feel it in my hand too.

Anyway, enough rumbling, shall be calling a physio tomorrow morning.



Tested my 500m on the rower ahead of an 8 week build block and retest. 1:24.4 which is a 1.6 second PB, but my last 100m split was down 2-3 secs on the previous split. I fell of a cliff edge. By nature, I’m no sprinter, this is uncomfortable territory for me. But I am a fan of training our weakness.

The big sprinters out there are pulling plates for reps, a “strength endurance” type approach, whilst still having the aerobic engine to hold the pace. The aerobic work is the “easy” part for me, the getting big and strong part is not. My back was so fatigued in the last 150m, I don’t get that over say a 2k (which is a different kind of misery).

Little ramble for my own reflection… On another note, my elbow is angry today, been disciplined with my icing and and anti inflammatories, the icing isn’t entirely practical on a work day. Feels better than when I woke up. Got in the gym for some lower body movement, high rep back squats with a wide thumb over bar grip and good mornings. Waiting for physio to return my call.


Little check in, with no lifting of late (has it really been three weeks?!) there’s been nothing to report… Physio appointment last week identified tendonitis in my elbow. He did a lot of work on it, enough for it to feel pretty beat up for a couple of days. I will try get under a bar to squat this week, see how my next session on Thursday goes.

Wish I had gone to him and nipped it in the bud when this first started early December, but I’ve had niggles before which went away on there own. Besides the exercises he has given me, it has made me reflect on other things ie diet to ease any inflammation. I don’t eat “bad” and I cook 99% of my meals, but if I’m honest with myself I get away with eating more sugar and cheap processed carbs than I should. I am 34, not a track running 14 year old of twenty years ago. Time to “eat like an adult”.


Oh man, if you wanna eliminate inflammation with nutrition, boy do I have a deal for you…


You know I’m all ears when it comes to your input…!


Almost the end of January 25

Rower 20mins capped at 20s/m, 1:51 pace
333m sprint 0:57 (pb is 0:51, so indication of fatigue)

Good mornings

Swiss bar press

Squat high bar/low bar hybrid

Feel and look weak, that’s enough of a motivator. Physio tomorrow.


It was a bit tongue-in-cheek, since I’ve become something of a carnivore diet meme these days, but that style of diet was really big for me eliminating inflammation. Going stupidly strict (ala beef, salt and water) would absolutely kick it in the butt, but even opening up a bit more to include other meats, eggs, butter/ghee would still go a long way to reduce inflammation by eliminating processed foods, veggies, grains, most dairy, etc. After a period of elimination, when you start re-introducing stuff, you’ll be amazed to discover the effects of certain foods.

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Ha, I did recognise that and almost mentioned your approach might go against conventional wisdom. However, I absolutely can learn from it and I’ll spare any details, but my digestive system will probably thank me for it. I think a “reset” on all things nutrition would help me gain some control.

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This was the biggest victory for me, of which I’m not at all shy about going into detail if there is any curiosity about it, but I had been living SO long with my guts torn up that I legit FORGOT what it felt like to feel normal. After enough time healing, I remember noticing how I didn’t feel awful and realized that I wasn’t “feeling good”: I was feeling the way I was SUPPOSED to feel.

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I recall you touching on it before, it’s quite an eye opener to live what we perceive to be ‘normal’ when shifting the paradigm.

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Ticking over with a squat, hinge, push approach. Today looked like this:

Swiss bar press

90x5 5 12


BB curls

Physio was painful but liberating this morning, starting to feel confident that I can start applying some stress to my elbow. No issues getting in to a low bar squat position. That, and forearm stress on any deadlift variant, was a major trigger only two weeks ago. 10 eggs consumed so far today, for the first time in weeks (typically 3-4). I’ve still been rowing and subbing in a little running, I’ve slimmed down a little.