Get A Pickle Cycle/Workout/Diet Journal

Hey guys. I’m a long time lurker that finally signed up here. Here are my my stats in a nutshell:

Age: 22 (23 this summer)
Height: 6’0"
Weight: Anywhere from 235-245 depending on hydration, clothing, stomach contents, etc. I’m guess completely naked first thing in the morning after a piss I’d be 230-235.
Bodyfat: Sorry, no clue. It is higher than I’d like, but not too bad.

Hopefully I can eventually get some pictures up to give you an idea. Basically all my extra weight is the dreaded spare tire, while the rest of my body relatively lean and defined. I have upper abs visible some times. I hope I can lower my bodyfat a bit, but not my main goal at the moment.

Training experience: Approaching almost 6 years of serious training. I’ve mainly used low-volume training in the past. For what it’s worth, when I started lifting I was around 175ish, not much leaner, same height.

I’ve been on my first steroid cycle for just shy of 3 weeks now. It isn’t the typical first time Test E cycle (due to my sources price and availability), but I did research and consult some of the more respected members here. I’m running Sustanon at 125mg (1/2 ml) EOD with 30mg of D-Bol ED for the first 4 weeks. I start HCG at after 4 weeks. I have Arimidex on hand. Cycle will be roughly 12 weeks long.

My current training routine is a bit of an experiment. I’m doing low volume training for 3 days hitting all the major muscles groups, then take a day off, then perform the routine again, but using higher reps (more of a bodybuilder routine), though still not doing a crazy amount of sets. Looks like this:

Day 1: Heavy back, traps, and biceps
Day 2: Heavy chest, shoulders, and triceps
Day 3: Heavy thighs, calves, and abs.
Day 4: Off
Day 5: Light back, traps, and biceps
Day 6: Light chest, shoulders, and triceps
Day 7: Light thighs, calves, and abs.
Day 8: Off

I’ve never hit a muscle group more than once a week directly in the past, but I figure with the the steroids my recovery should allow me to, and so far I haven’t felt over trained.

Not sure how often or how I should be doing cardio. I’d like to do at least 3 or 4 short moderate-high intensity sessions per week to keep my cardio conditioning up or improve it.

I have a diet written out, but I’d be lying if I said I stuck to it a single day, which is part of the reason I’m starting a journal. Being a bit higher in bodyfat, my plan of attack is a high protein diet with a decent amount of carbs, but mostly around my training, sticking to just veggies and protein or shakes in the evening after all the working out is done.

My schedule is somewhat busy, so lately what I’ve been doing is having 2 or 3 large protein shakes made of whey, low-fat milk, flaxseed, oatmeal, and natural peanut butter during the mornings. I work out in the afternoon usually and use a whey/dextrose combo pre and post workout. I’ll have another higher carb meal an hour post training, then it is lower carbs for the rest of the day, not super low though.

Usually have something like 300-500g of cottage cheese with mixed berries a couple times, then steak and mixed veggies for dinner. If I wake up in the middle of the night I try to force myself to make a flaxseed and whey shake.

My supplements are limited, but right now I’m using a multi, fish oils, a B-complex, and a joint support formula. Also use a creatine product.

Okay, so this is a long ass post now. Hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow with a workout to log. Thanks for reading!

I wanted to add that so far my experience with the Sust and D-bol have been visually nice, but otherwise kind of luke warm. My strength hasn’t shot up too much in my opinion, though I do seem to recover faster. My muscles look constantly pumped, and then even crazier when I actually do get a pump.

Of course, I don’t think it helped me that shortly after my first shot I caught a cold which developed into a flu that left me pretty tired and killed my appetite. Very frustrating to say the least! I’m just now over the cold/flu and this has been my first week of healthy training since starting.

I’ve been shooting my quads and sometimes glutes when I have someone to help me since I can’t twist to aspirate that well haha. Shots are nowhere near the pain I thought they would be, physically or otherwise.

That’s all for now, gotta to work.

[quote]getapickle wrote:

Not sure how often or how I should be doing cardio. I’d like to do at least 3 or 4 short moderate-high intensity sessions per week to keep my cardio conditioning up or improve it.

I stopped reading here in all honesty, not because of anything shocking but because it was soooo long!

Seriously though, everything looks pretty solid and well thought out. I highlighted the cardio part just to throw you my experience, which is that steady state cardio is for some reason HARDER when I take dbol and easier when on straight test. So maybe try some HIIT style stuff for the first 4 weeks and then move into some light steady state after that.

That was my thought anyway. If you decide to run for a half an hour or longer while on the dbol I’d be interested to read your experience, whether it was easier/harder etc…

Your avatar makes my eyes bleed.

Haha yeah, I’ve noticed some every day activities or exercises are harder with the D-Bol because I’ll get a pump going in my calves, thighs, or lower back. Thank goodness I have an elliptical machine that doesn’t give me much of a pump when using it.

Love the avatar Diana Bolann haha.

Hey guys. I did another 1/2 ml this morning in my quad. I have heavy back, traps, and biceps in a few hours, hopefully do some neck work in there as well.

I did some cardio last night. 30 minutes at a moderate intensity on the elliptical. I entered my weight at 245 and the calorie read out was 640, though I’m sure that’s generous.

Contrl, why do you gotta hate on Goemon the Mystical Ninja? :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll find a cooler avatar someday. I’d knock yours, but unfortunately I can’t because Reagan was the man! (No politics in this thread though please haha.) Oh, and not that it makes a difference, but I’m actually American, just staying in Canada for a little bit.

Hey, another thing I wanted some opinions on was my dosage; do you guys think, for a steroid newbie, that 1/2 ml EOD (125mg of Sust) is adequate? It adds up to 2 amps (500mg) every 8 days. Like I said, I’ve been just a little unimpressed with the results thus far, but then again I guess to be fair I was sick the first 2 weeks basically, and I’ve read the Sust takes 3-4 weeks to kick in.

Then again, I am technically up 5-10 pounds and look perma-pumped, so I guess that is pretty darn good.

Please forgive the ramblings of a steroid newbie! :stuck_out_tongue:

You should be okay with 1/2 ml EOD. The amount it adds up to is decent, and it should provide a stable concentration.

Monday, March 10th- Heavy back, traps, and biceps
(Format for recording is Sets X Reps @ Poundage used.)

Weighted pull-ups 1 set X 6 reps @ 10 Lbs. , 2 X 4 @ 10
V-bar pull-downs 1 X 6 1/2 @ 182.5, 1 X 4 1/2 @ 200
Hammer strength row 1 X 4 @ 4 plates per side, 1 X 5 @ 3 plates and a 35 plate per side
Bent one-arm DB row 2 X 5 @ 100, 1 X 4 @ 100
DB shrugs 2 X 7 @ 125’s, 1 X 6 @ 125’s, 1 X 5 @ 125’s
DB curls 1 X 6 @ 50’s, 2 X 5 @ 50’s
DB hammer curls 1 X 6 @ 45’s, 1 X 5 @ 45’s

Not a bad workout at all. I got a little too chatty with some friends that showed up towards the end, and I also need to spend more time mentally preparing and psyching up for my sets to get the most out of them. Form was good on all exercises I felt. Was disappointed I couldn’t get more reps on my last couple sets of pull-ups, but to be fair I’ve gained 10 pounds and added 10 pounds in the form of a plate, so that would make them harder than usual. Grip was unfortunately a factor in the shrugs. Hopefully I can pick up some straps for when the grip goes towards the end of a session. Also, I didn’t plan on doing my exercises in this exact order, but the gym was somewhat busy so I had to move stuff around.

Diet today was mostly pretty good, probably should have ate more, but being a little unhappy with my bodyfat mentally makes it hard for me to try to eat balls to the wall. I eat every 4 hours roughly, but 3 would be better. Also, all my friends said my appetite would go through the roof, but I haven’t found that to be the case, or at least not yet.

My main issue with the bodyfat is that I need to clean up my night time eating. My girlfriend does cardio every day and has muscular genetics from her parent, so she manages to eat some not so good dinners while still looking really good, but I end up looking softer.

Alright, off to bed now. Heavy chest, shoulders, and triceps tomorrow evening.

*On another note, look at the crazy weight on these pull-ups! Yet the guy isn’t particularly big. Meh…

Watched “Predator” last night. Not a training vid, but somewhat motivational. Seeing poor Carl Weathers get his arm blown off always sticks in my head, but not really in a good way. :-/

Tuesday, March 11th- Heavy chest (shoulders and triceps)

Well, first off, I got a ride to the gym yesterday with my roommate, who couldn’t manage to move at the pace of a normal human being while leaving for the gym, so I arrived with only 30 minutes to work out before I had to go to work. Great. I ended up only hitting chest. Grrr… >:-(

Flat bench press 3 X 4 @ 275
DB incline bench 1 X 6 @ 100’s, 1 x 5 @ 100’S
Weight dips 2 X 4 @ 50

Doesn’t get much more basic than that, but I felt I did a pretty good job and stimulated my chest to grow. Having so little time made me a lot less distracted than yesterday. I thought I’d be strong on flat bench since I recently hit 275 for 4 clean, but I guess in the past I wouldn’t be able to hit multiple sets at that weight. I know 275 is probably unimpressive at my weight, but I lift in a very controlled manner on bench, no bouncing or anything like that. The incline presses with the DB’s were just right, though soon they’ll be too light for heavy days and the next set of DB’s are 125’s and 150’s! Dips were hard and heavy, but felt good in my chest and not too much activity in my shoulders or triceps.

Later today I’ll probably do heavy sets of ass-to-grass squats and maybe even some RDL’s if my lower back pump isn’t too bad. Debating on doing some shoulders and maybe triceps at the end.

Eating was good on Tuesday, all clean meals. Again, just need to get my frequency up.

Hey guys, sorry for lack of updates. I’ll have a few workouts to report later tonight when I have more time. I also did a couple cardio sessions.

I’d like to start keeping a food journal so I can stay more on top of my eating, then I can report my foods as well. My schedule is challenging, but I know it is possible and many have many more obstacles that they manage to overcome.