Oh boy oh boy oh boy. Another nut to deal with. And yes I think you are a nut job.
First of all, naturalatlas82 was absolutely right that the Geneva Convention only applies to people who follow certain rules, like wearing a uniform, and fighting for a country. None of the terrorists qualify, and many if not all of the Iraqi forces, most of which were not even picked up.
Did you know that pretending to be dead violates the Geneva Convention, and therefore the “soldier” cannot be given Geneva Convention rights?
Now that you have made the accusation, you need to prove it, otherwise what I said about you being a nutcase is true. You must show that the Geneva Convention was violated, and where. Just saying it does not make it true.
Your second point about the “illegal” invasion does not hold up. We had the full authority based on the cease fire agreement of which Saddam violated every day simply by firing on American planes flying over Iraq. Again you will have to prove this, and you cannot with the cease fire agreement. (However I don?t think it is right for naturalatlas82 to call you a Nazi.)
On the third point, the Uranium shells are not chemical weapons, and should be called Depleted Uranium shells. Just calling them Uranium shells makes it sound worse then it actually is. The reason that Depleted Uranium material is used is because it is virtually free. Last I could find, 17 countries were using these Depleted Uranium shells, and that number was growing. The radiation is so week that it can be stopped by a piece of paper.
Exploding the material does release the radiation into the air as a dust, but I would not be worried about that.
Did you know that if you live in a stone, brick, or adobe home, you increase your exposure to radiation by 7 millirems per year? (1.94% increase) And you can get 2 millirems in an 8 hour period just by sleeping next to another person because of the radiation given off by the other person. (This is due to potasium
Now exactly why does it matter if they are killed by a bomb with a little more radiation in it? Either way they are dead.
(I searched to find out how much radiation was created by exploding a depleted shell, and while I found a whole bunch of anti war sites complaining about the radiation, and making a wide variety of claims about radiation produced, none would give the millirems. Evidence they didn?t even know, and their information is suspect.
This is not about “moral courage”, as you say, but a group of “useful idiots” spreading propaganda.