[quote]WestCoast7 wrote:
[quote]CapnYousef wrote:
[quote]WestCoast7 wrote:
How many members on here still play games on desktop PCs? What are people playing? I just finished building a good quad-core and am interested in testing it out, but haven’t had time to see what games are taking the top ranks lately.
Think I might shell out for a PS3 also, was split between that and an Xbox, but the Blue-Ray function helped the PS3 get the edge. Thoughts?
Also, here’s the link for the Geek S**T E3 2010 Edition:
I assume you own the classics like TF2 and CS:S (TF2 just gets more and more fun as they update, I found).
The best stuff out now is deff. Mass Effect 2 (if you’re into that) and BF: Bad Company 2. I think Crysis 2 is due soon, so expect to either A) feel like your rig is outdated or B) feel like its from the future.
Yea I’ve played those classics, and would probably say that CS, HL, Unreal Tournament, Red Alert, and Star Craft were my favorites, but since then I haven’t really delved into anything with college and now work.
Your the second to mention ME2 so I’ll for sure look into it, have they announced a ME3 at E3 this year? I’ll look into Crysis 2 also. Thanks for the suggestions, keep 'em rolling, I want to put my comp to the test since uploading pictures to T-Nation is pretty much the hardest thing its had to do since I finished it.[/quote]
If you want some serious ass-kicking fun, get Prototype somehow. Came out last year around this time, but these days graphics don’t change that fast anymore. It looked AMAZING on a E6400, so if you have a quad all the better. Basically you’re a mutant with the ability to run up anything, double jump, turn your fists into gigantic swords, hammers, etc. Additionally, you can jump-kick helicopters and have them explode. Free-running all over NYC, its fantastic. With your hardware, maxing it out will be a walk in the park - I did it on 4gb and an 8800GTS.
edit: Additionally, you can pick up a tank and throw it at a helicopter. And have them both explode. (or visa versa… if you use the crazy hook hands… but I digress.)