Feel free to post any responses here. I don’t want to keep derailing push’s thread on the presidential elections.
This was my last post:
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
Marriage IS NOT based around reproduction and child rearing.
I missed the part where an exception to the rule voids the rule itself. Perhaps you will explain…
This would best be put as a question to a supporter of traditional marriage - eg, would you prevent sterile couples from marrying? Answer: no, because for one thing they are upholding the tradition of marriage despite their inability to fully realise the biological praxis of marriage.
Can we? Do tell…
All subordinate(even love) to the primary function - procreation, child rearing and the formation of the building blocks of the civil society(families).
As I said it’s a manifestation of a biological imperative and existed long before the church.
You mean the Episcopalians?
You don’t know how wrong you are. As I commented earlier the state sanction of marriage came about as a Protestant attempt to take away the authority of the Catholic Church. King Henry VIII actually kicked it off when he took away the authority of the church to decree divorces; Martin Luther and John Calvin similarly transferred the Papal authority over marriage to the state. Little did they realise how this strategy would blow up in their faces in the second half of the 20th Century.
Well, it certainly places it(marriage) into the hands of a new sovereign. Today, the people vote time and time again AGAINST gay marriage then a handful of masterminds on the Supreme Court overrule them. The wishes of the people can’t stand in the way of progress aka nihilism.
Maybe those right-wing fundamentalist loons like Bill Clinton think that society has a profound stake in maintaining traditional marriage?
How have they disenfranchised them when they never had any such “right” to begin with?
My religion has no power or authority. Neither does anyone else’s religion in the western world. By opposing gay marriage I am in a sense asserting the supremacy of the church over the state. I am opposing statism in opposing the deconstruction of marriage.