Who do they hire to run these stores? After about 3 minutes of talking to one of the clerks, I decided I would never buy from that store, and insted give my money to Best Buy.
My son and I were in there browsing through their game selections, and I happened to notice a GTA-IV poster that said it was multiplayer.
I made the mistake of asking the clerk if that meant to people could play against each other on the same machine - like in Football, or any other head to head game.
Instead of a “yes”, or “no - only via networked machines, or X-Box Live” he proceeds to explain the inner workings of X-Box Live, and tried to explain how to hook up a network.
I asked him again - same fucking explanation. I told him thanks, and we left.
I mean, how hard is it for these asshats to answer a simple fucking question?
uhh iunno probaly thought you didnt know about technology or something. or maybe its the same reason that on this site you cant ask a simple question without getting a fucking math equasion for an answer.
Last time I went into a Gamestop, I swore I would never go back. I just buy my shit from Best Buy or Costco now where I can just pick it up off the shelf and cash out rather than interact with the mouth breathers who work at your average Gamestop.
LMFAO…Sorry but knowing the stores around me, I avoid GameStop like the plague. I swear if I ever felt anything like a roid rage moment its in that store. Not only the workers but about 90% of the people that even go there.
Definitely buy and ask questions at Best Buy! Get into the Reward Zone, I’ve gotten many coupons for $5-$10 off anything from using it.
And to answer you question: no, not on the same machine. Only on LIVE, but not 100% sure about system link…
I’d say the whole GTA series is worth buying, definitely not for kids though. Growing up listening to Easy-E, NWA, The D.O.C., and many others my dad disapproved of; San Andreas is still probably my favorite though.
I agree with everyone else… Best Buy is generally the way to go. At Gamestop they presume you know nothing, and tend to make things waaaaaay more complicated then they actually need to be.
[quote]BiG BeN wrote:
LMFAO…Sorry but knowing the stores around me, I avoid GameStop like the plague. I swear if I ever felt anything like a roid rage moment its in that store. Not only the workers but about 90% of the people that even go there.
Definitely buy and ask questions at Best Buy! Get into the Reward Zone, I’ve gotten many coupons for $5-$10 off anything from using it.
And to answer you question: no, not on the same machine. Only on LIVE, but not 100% sure about system link…
I’d say the whole GTA series is worth buying, definitely not for kids though. Growing up listening to Easy-E, NWA, The D.O.C., and many others my dad disapproved of; San Andreas is still probably my favorite though.
I’ve bought so much shit from Best Buy, that they give me free limo rides to and from the store.
Best Buy is my version of my wife’s 50% off sale at Victoria’s Secret. But I stay away from the Geek Squad - They know dick.
Anyhow - I skipped GTA-SA because I am not a rap guy. I played the crap out of Vice City because it was set in the 80’s, and that is my decade.
Looking forward to GTA-IV. I’d like to see some footage of it, or see what the real game play experience is beyond the cut scenes they play on the commercials.
But the character building and other such level of detail in SA was superb, and that is what will be expanding on in the fourth installment from what I here…the ability to have the character workout, get stronger, become a better fighter etc etc.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
Who do they hire to run these stores? After about 3 minutes of talking to one of the clerks, I decided I would never buy from that store, and insted give my money to Best Buy.
My son and I were in there browsing through their game selections, and I happened to notice a GTA-IV poster that said it was multiplayer.
I made the mistake of asking the clerk if that meant to people could play against each other on the same machine - like in Football, or any other head to head game.
Instead of a “yes”, or “no - only via networked machines, or X-Box Live” he proceeds to explain the inner workings of X-Box Live, and tried to explain how to hook up a network.
I asked him again - same fucking explanation. I told him thanks, and we left.
I mean, how hard is it for these asshats to answer a simple fucking question?
Sorry for the rant. [/quote]
Because many people that work at shops like that are socially retarded.
I’ve had similiar experiences at Electronics Boutique.
Damn, I walked out of there with a “free” copy of GTA yesterday using trade in $$. I brought back Halo 3 and Bioshock a few months back and got like $40 each for store credit. If you get the membership card it gives you an extra 10% on used games and trade ins, on top of specials that they run certain months. I thought their trade in prices were fair, especially if you bring back games within 3 months or so. Do any of you just play games, and then return them for full value where you bought them?
Game Stop is basically the “GNC” of the video games world. Avoid it because it’s a rip off franchise that sells everything for the top price amount, rather than trying to doscount a little in order to get business.
And yeah, they hire a revolving door cast of people that work there for 3 months, then get fired so they don’t have to pay insurance and other employee benefits.