[quote]ToShinDo wrote:
Marijuana, opium, prostitution, mushrooms, adultery, statutory rape, sodomy, etc. All these are things which are illegal, and typically there is no direct victim. Should any or all be legal or illegal? Should all laws be followed regardless of their harm or benefit? Let’s have fun and discuss!
To-Shin Do[/quote]
Okay here it goes… As long as alcohol and tobacco is legal marijuana and opium should be too. Alcohol is far worse of a drug then marijuana. And tobacco is almost as addictive as opium. If people can choose to be drunk they should be able to choose if they want to get high. This however would have to be regulated to an extent, just like alcohol. You can’t go to work drunk, you can’t drive drunk, you need to be a certain age to obtain alcohol and you need a license to sell alcohol. If the same rules applied to pot and opium I do not forsee and increase in crime at all and alot of drug dealers would be out of jobs. The government could stop spending so much money filling the jails with people on possesion of marijuana, and they could make money by taxing it like tobacco or booze.
Mushrooms… You can argue thier legality on the fact that they grow naturally. However, in higher doses not everyone can handle themselves when using it. I’ll leave this for someone else to debate.
Prostitution… Make the whore houses have an expensive license (like a liquor license) to be legal and require regular STD tests for the employees. It should be highly regulated and taxed. This way if I have a long day at work and I don’t feel like looking for pussy I can get a quicky and have a good night sleep, for a price of course.
Adultery… to me this is just crazy, why would it be illegal?
Statutory rape… See this one is tricky. Because when I was 15 I was banging 15 year old girls. This to me is not wrong. When I was 15 I was banging 18 year old girls, this to me was also not wrong. When I was 18 I was scared to bang 15 year old girls who looked 20 and have already been banged by other 15 year old guys because of statutory rape. I don’t know, I think if a girl is already sexually active does it matter if your 17 or 19?? I mean there are definitely girls I meet who look around 18-19 and find out they are 15-16 which is my cue to walk away. I guess people think that thier children are preyed upon and that’s why they need these laws, but the truth is that thier 15 year old daughter is out looking for sex and probably having it with 17-18 year old guys already. If you tack on a few months to thier age it’s now illegal? If anything there should be a National age rather then by the State so we don’t have to try and figure it out everywhere we go. And if anything there should be exceptions, like if the girl is a whore, or if she looks 20 years old, or something like that.
Sodomy… This one is so much fun! Legal as long as your not a priest.