Hello everyone,
about three years ago, I went to a urologist who had published a press/web about low TT (12 nmol/l was his limit) and the importance of TRT (especially for +middle aged men), and told him I’ve low T symptoms, after some tests, he showed me the door and told me … IT’S IN YOUR HEAD!
THREE YEARS OLD Results (not sure if it matters, but it shows that my TT has been low since then):
Total T. 12.29 nmol/L (Reference range 9.9 - 27.8)
Free T. 44.60 pmol/L (Reference range Adult men “20 to 39 years: 31.0 - 94.0”)
DHT 2.27 nmol/L (Reference range 1.13 - 4.13)
Glucose FBS:
5.70 mmol/L (Reference range 4.22 - 6.11)
102.71 mg/dL (Reference range 76.04 - 110.1)
230 mIU/L (Reference range 86 - 390)
10.81 ng/ml (Reference range 4 - 18)
1.05 mIU/mL (Reference range 0.27 - 4.2)
1.18 mmol/L (Reference range < 2.31)
103.25 mg/dL (Reference range < 202.12)
4.65 mmol/L (Reference range < 5.21)
179.77 mg/dL (Reference range < 201.42)
LDL Cholesterol:
3.1 mmol/L (Reference range < 4)
118.30 mg/dL (Reference range < 154.6)
HDL Cholesterol:
1.16 mmol/L (Reference range 0.9 - 1.56)
44.85 mg/dL (Reference range 34.79 - 60.31)
Lately, one of my symptoms became worrisome, and I got more abdominal fat, also, I’m planning to take Accutane, so I took some tests:
Total T: 3.82 (Reference range: Male 20-49yrs : 2.49 - 8.38 ng/ml)
Free T: 22.5 (Reference range: 4.5 - 42 pg/ml)
FSH: 1.02 (Reference range: 1.5 - 12.4)
LH: 3.73 (Reference range: 1.7 - 8.6)
E2: 37.25 (Reference range: 7.63 - 42.6)
TSH: 1.76 (Reference range: Euthyroid: 0.25 - 5.0)
Zinc: 84.30 (Reference range: 70 - 120)
Vitamin D3: 13.21 (Reference range: Sufficiency 29 - 100)
Vitamin B12: 376.7 (Reference range: 191 - 663)
I should get the results for DHT and SHBG in a few days.
Info/Life style:
I’m 27 years old, 5’10" 164lbs, I’m not sure how much fat % I’ve, but I think it safe to assume it’s about 20%.
I don’t workout, and pretty much set on my ass all day long, sleep hours/schedule is fucked up (sleep disorder)
It’s hard to determine my low T related symptoms (thanks to my life style), but I think the most apparent symptoms I’ve is:
- Moodiness/Depression:
The problem is I’m not sure it’s caused by my T level, life is not going too well, nor do I see a light at the end of the tunnel, also my sleep disorder can cause this. - Libido/ED:
Naturally, this is somewhat based on the state of the first symptom (which fluctuate wildly), but lately, I think it became more obvious (can’t keep an erection without constant stimulation). - Rare spontaneous erections.
Is my FT low? or just lowish and will improve once E2 is under control?
Why is my FSH low, and my TSH and LH normal?
Will Losing fat be enough to lower my E2? or do I need to take supplements/medication?
Should I consider taking AI, along with Vitamin D? and maybe try to push my Zinc closer to upper limit (how much AI/Zinc should I take?) -
Will lowering my E2 increase my TT significantly, or at all?
I’m wondering because, even if I were to convert all the E2 to T, it’s still a very small percentage of the TT. -
Does bound T matters? if not, then why does TT matters IF FT and E2 are within acceptable range?
Do I need TRT for my low TT? or would lowering my fat/E2 and working out should be enough for me?
I dread the idea of depending on TRT for the rest of my life, especially in this god forsaken place, where a decent doctor will be very hard (and very expensive) to come by, BUT, I’ll do what I must/can …
Thanks for taking the time to read my lengthy post, your advice is much appreciated.