Frustrated No Boyfriend or Children Yet

@atlas13 looks like we didn’t have to wait long to get to apply my wisdom


I’m just seeing this now. I’ve covered some of this elsewhere. I’ll try to explain in the dating thread later tonight or during the week because I don’t want to derail the OP’s thread.

Have you tried hold up a shoe in your selfies for comparison?


No I haven’t.

It frustrates me that I can’t men other then that.

This is simple, just lower your standards.

Maybe it’s my bad english but what do you mean.

It’s bad tooser your standards of men

I’m asking this in good faith. Do you think perhaps you need improvement in your communication with people, and perhaps this might be the reason for your situation?

You expressed your frustration, people appear eager to offer insight to help you, and in other words ask basic questions, like, “What’s going on here?, “Can you tell us about yourself?,” “What do you think lead to this?” and then you appear unwilling to give the faintest clue about your situation.

This is not a way of communicating people consider acceptable, let alone how people have to communicate with spouses, in which all important matters need to be discussed indefinitely.


From the very beginning, I thought that things would be exactly like this. What kind of person would sign up for a strength training forum and their first opinion/topic they would create would be just one sentence and on such a topic.
Actually, now that I’ve read, the thread author doesn’t have an opinion that’s longer than one sentence :slight_smile:

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Let me guess. He must be:

  • over 6’ tall
  • no baby mommas
  • earns 6 figures a year
  • is only interested in meeting your needs
  • is compatible with your horoscope sign

Tell me which of these aren’t in your criteria for men you’d marry.


While I have no idea if the OP has such standards, some have them, and with that typical list, I’ll add the expectation of a man having to be an entertainer or court jester of sorts (eg, “I get bored easily”).

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Can I ask, are you waiting for men to make the first move? That can work, and it can work for men too, but it takes a lot longer.

One of the most initially attractive things in a woman for me as a man is having a pretty good idea that she is into me. Do you think the men you have been interested in know this? Do they know it well enough to ask for your number? Ask you out?

You don’t necessarily have to be the one asking them out, or for their numbers, but I think a lot of women would get the men they are after if they weren’t so subtle.


Andrew Tate immediately came to mind on this thread.

I have heard about this guy recently. I think some sort of banning? IDK what happened. Out of the loop.

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He’s a guy that spits a lot of truths but is also quite dangerous to views on young mens opinions of women. He speaks a lot of things that are pretty legit but it’s coming from someone thats in the top 1%. People have rallied behind him in a cult-like way and he’s making millions off people with a MLM model.

In a World where feminism has reached levels full of double-standards and acceptance, a massive generation see him as the voice of man which has led to something beyond viral. He’s one of the most talked about men on social media right now. (Edit)

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More talked about than Trump? Everyone either has his poster hanging over their bed or is trying to find a way to throw him in jail. Andrew Tate? He’s a blip on the radar.

Agree with most of the rest of your post btw, I just think he’s far from the most talked about man on the planet.

Back to why OP can’t find a boyfriend though… are we at the point we should just ask for a physique pic holding a shoe? I get the impression this will answer a lot of questions.

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I read somewhere his content has 5 billion views or something - is that just a blip on the radar?

But yeah, I think I need to narrow that down to a certain audience.

Definitely has reached a lot of people, but I think he will be another flash in the pan that in 6 months will turn to internet obscurity and memes.

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If OP is halfway attractive, her standards are probably too high or she is just batshit crazy beyond belief.