So according do CT, and some other people, the method of consuming carbs post workout is obsolete, and the following method is much better:
[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:
That sums up my point EXACTLY. Post-workout carbs do not increase anabolism, possibly due to a decreased insulin response (because of elevated catecholamines).
Carbs and protein pre-workout
Aminos or casein hydrolysate during workout
Regular meal 60 minutes after session[/quote]
I’ve only tried this method for two workouts now so I don’t have any results to report yet.
What I’ve been doing is having a huge protein shake about 30-40 minutes before my workout starts (120-130 g carbs, 80-90 g protein), 2 scoops of whey during (has aminos in it, closest I can get within my budget), and a P+F meal 45-60 minutes after. Only things I can say so far are that I’ve come pretty close to puking both times because of the huge pre-workout shake, but the pumps have been great.
So who’s trying this out, and so far how have your results been?