How often are you guys dosing with these? I normally use cyp or enanthate, but I have some Mexican Supertest 350 that is made of 7 esters- kind of like sustanon, but more so I reckon. I was guessing about every three days woudl be right but I was curious what folks around here have been doing with the multi test blends.
I am guessing that there is prop mixed in there somewhere (seven esters is a lot). If so that is probably the fastest acting ester and therefore it would be best shot at least eod.
I’ve been pinning ED with a 5 ester blend (andropen), which includes some test acetate. If I were you I would pin with the appropriate frequency for the shortest ester in the blend.
With seven esters in your blend, that will most likey be at least EOD, as 2thepain said.
On the up side, if you do pin every day, the amounts will be small enough to use slin pins. You’ll have to heat the oil to load them, and it’s a bit time consuming, but you can pin virtually anywhere with little to no pain or soreness.
This is why I don’t do blends. EOD is pretty much the rule so you can stay true to the Prop. E3D starts pushing beyond what I’d recommend even for phenylprop.