My Dr typically orders the Free Testosterone (Direct Test), which Ive been told is inaccurate. I was prescribed 100 mg Every 3.5 days and my reading was:
Free Testosterone(Direct) = 28.3 pg/mL (9.3-26.5).
so slightly high.
After posting on here, I was informed that Dialasys test was much more accurate and the gold standard for Free testosterone readings.
My protocol has changed to a more frequent dosing administration: 25 mg EOD, and I just got my bloodwork back:
Testosterone, Free (Dialysis) = 153.1 (35.0-155.0 pg/mL)
Can Someone explain to me why my Free T is in the 100s? Is the dialysis measurement read differently even though it uses the same unit of measurement? (pg/mL)