Hi guys. Being relatively new to this great forum I was wondering how some of you break your thoughts into paragraphs, italacize and make bold some of your words in your posts. I notice that when a post is made, even if a space is used to break the reply into paragraphs, the reply is posted as a solid “chunk” of text. Your help is appreciated. Thanks.
To start a new paragraph, type “
” (without the parentheses) after your last sentence.
It’s hard to tell you because it doens’t always come through… you use HTML tags to format posts, each tag has an opening tag and some have closing tags
to make a paragraph you type < p > (without spaces) In case that didn't come through, that is a 'less than sign'p'greater than sign'
fot bold it is < b > and < /b > (again without spaces) 'less than sign'b'greater than sign' and 'less than sign'/b'greater than sign'
the tag with the / in it is the closing tag.
to make italics, put an i instead of a b
to underline, put u
So Michelle, for those of us (me) who are internet retards, would typing the post in an HTML editor and then cutting and pasting the final copy be a more workable solution you think?
Random Weights - yes, it would be. ALWAYS be sure to copy all of your tags, if you forget to copy a close tag it can mess up the other posts. Really, the most basic tag to make things readable on the forum is the < p > tag, and you’ll get used to typing that very quickly.
I'm not sure what editor you are planning to use, but try to stick to basic tags, avoid font tags, table tags, and list tags... A lot of HTML editors generate way way way way too much code for a simple piece of text. You don't need font tags or div tags or table tags in a plain piece of text.
RW, just do what Michelle said. It’s not that difficult. Really.
are you the same random weights who used to post over at AE?
Mmmm, a computer chick, so hot. Just to correct Michelle you can use lists. I would have to agree and say don’t use an HTML generator. It’s fairly easy to just write the tags out.
To create lists use either < ol > for an ordered list (creates numbers for you when displayed) or use < ul > for an unordered list (bullets). Inside that tag you would use < li > for an element in the list. Here’s an example.
< ul >
< li >This is an
< li >unordered list
< /ul >
Remember to remove the spaces within the tags.
Yes, D Rock, you can use lists and tables and everything else. I do NOT advise anyone who does not hand write their code to use them though. If you forget to close a table tag, etc, you can really screw up the forum for some people.
Netscape is extermely unforgiving to incorrect code and if I mess up a tag it can mess up all of the other posts on a thread.
For those ofyou who don't know much about HTML, < p > tags are great to use, as are < b > bold < /b > tags and < i > italic < /i > tags. But past that, unless you are very careful, it's not worth it... and can cause trouble.
Yes I am the same guy. Had a long layoff due to the CFS illness well over a year ago but I’m back posting now. The AE forum I have noticed has gone to shit. Nice to see you again.
Thanks Michelle and others. If your advice works there should be a paragraph after my first point.