Attention PWI fans, the name of the forum is being changed:
This is now the BRO POLITICS forum.
This will better reflect the content of the majority of the threads here:
- Obama is a Muslim/Socialist/Communist/Nazi, he’s Jimmy Carter/Stalin/Hitler/Mao, hates America and loves the terrorists
- Obama wasn’t born in America, he’s a Muslim who went to a racist Christian church for 20 years
- the President is a racist who hates white people, but I’m not a racist for calling him a racist, or making everything about race
- When will President Obama totally destroy America as we know it… right away, or will it be more of a gradual thing?
- George Soros/the Liberal Media/Jews/ACORN/Bilderburgs/activist (Liberal) judges control everything
- Nine Eleven/the Oil Spill/Obama’s Birth Certificate are all inside jobs
- Do Liberals really hate America, or are they just totally crazy?
- The Free Market is the bestest and wisest thing ever. Society can only fail the Free Market, never the other way around
- Libertarianism! It’s totally cool! Government literally can’t do anything right, and private enterprise can’t do anything wrong
- There should be no taxes on anything, because I’m patriotic and I care deeply about America
- Go Jesus! How much of the bible should you take literally… some of it, or all of it?
- I believe in the sacredness of the Constitution!!! (except for the parts that don’t help support my partisan ideology)
- I’m being totally persecuted and oppressed, simply for being white, male and middle class!!!
- There is only one solitary worthwhile political figure on the entire American scene, and his name is RON PAUL
and my personal favorite topic:
- I’m a teenage expert on Ayn Rand!
So get ready for the name change bros - it’s going to be BRO-TASTIC!!!
Calling all BROS, check in here.
[quote]John S. wrote:
Who are you again?[/quote]
I’m somebody who buys Biotest products, but hasn’t posted 3000 posts yet, unlike you.

[quote]K2000 wrote:
[quote]John S. wrote:
Who are you again?[/quote]
I’m somebody who buys Biotest products, but hasn’t posted 3000 posts yet, unlike you.[/quote]
I seem to have a little 1 by my name saying that I bought stuff.
Wait, I remember you now you posted like 6 months ago everyone ignored you and you went away. Good day to you sir.
Way to chime in, bro!
Okay, I sent a Private Message to TC, to have him make it official. I haven’t heard back yet though.
I think he might go for it! Call it a crazy hunch!
Right on Pittbull! Let me know if you have any good topic ideas, bro! How about this:
- 2nd Amendment: Should White people carry guns all the time, or only in public??? How many Lieberals would YOU shoot in self defense?

[quote]John S. wrote:
Wait, I remember you now you posted like 6 months ago everyone ignored you and you went away. Good day to you sir.[/quote]
This Bro seems to be questioning my BRO-HOOD. This awesome pic should convince him!
Broseidon, lord of the brocean.
How about this for a thread topic:
- President Reagan: was he the REAL “Father of Our Country”?
[quote]K2000 wrote:
[quote]John S. wrote:
Wait, I remember you now you posted like 6 months ago everyone ignored you and you went away. Good day to you sir.[/quote]
This Bro seems to be questioning my BRO-HOOD. This awesome pic should convince him![/quote]
I prefer this pic.
[quote]K2000 wrote:
How about this for a thread topic:
- President Reagan: was he the REAL “Father of Our Country”?[/quote]
I think he was the first Mother Fucker of this country 
Brobi Won Kinobi Reporting for dooty.
Hehehe I said Dooty.
Bro J Simpson should be here soon. (pushy)

[quote]K2000 wrote:
Attention PWI fans, the name of the forum is being changed:
This is now the BRO POLITICS forum.
This will better reflect the content of the majority of the threads here:
- Obama is a Muslim/Socialist/Communist/Nazi, he’s Jimmy Carter/Stalin/Hitler/Mao, hates America and loves the terrorists
- Obama wasn’t born in America, he’s a Muslim who went to a racist Christian church for 20 years
- the President is a racist who hates white people, but I’m not a racist for calling him a racist, or making everything about race
- When will President Obama totally destroy America as we know it… right away, or will it be more of a gradual thing?
- George Soros/the Liberal Media/Jews/ACORN/Bilderburgs/activist (Liberal) judges control everything
- Nine Eleven/the Oil Spill/Obama’s Birth Certificate are all inside jobs
- Do Liberals really hate America, or are they just totally crazy?
- The Free Market is the bestest and wisest thing ever. Society can only fail the Free Market, never the other way around
- Libertarianism! It’s totally cool! Government literally can’t do anything right, and private enterprise can’t do anything wrong
- There should be no taxes on anything, because I’m patriotic and I care deeply about America
- Go Jesus! How much of the bible should you take literally… some of it, or all of it?
- I believe in the sacredness of the Constitution!!! (except for the parts that don’t help support my partisan ideology)
- I’m being totally persecuted and oppressed, simply for being white, male and middle class!!!
- There is only one solitary worthwhile political figure on the entire American scene, and his name is RON PAUL
and my personal favorite topic:
- I’m a teenage expert on Ayn Rand!
So get ready for the name change bros - it’s going to be BRO-TASTIC!!![/quote]