For Those Who Get Steroids Legally

How did you get them prescribed from the doc? Did you have them check test levels and they were low?? Just curious to see how people obtain them legally.

well if you want to try to get them legally i heard you can take a shot of deca a week before you go in to get your test levels checked, and get very little sleep that whole week, 4 hours a night, drink almost nothing but beer that whole week, and 4 -6 hours before you go in drink 4-6 beers, and take 2 birth control pills about an hour befor you go in and absoluting NO SEX. thats what i hear works… you can google it or something and find more info.

and you have to look for the right doctor too. i went to and found alot of info on there about it…it tells all about the kind of doc to look for and everything. i will try to find the link and post it for you.

okay, go to archives on and type in “your dr your dealer” and it will tell you all you need to know. hope this helps

[quote]wbwell wrote:
How did you get them prescribed from the doc? Did you have them check test levels and they were low?? Just curious to see how people obtain them legally. [/quote]

You got the right idea. However you come to have low T levels is up to you, but that’s what is necessary. They will typically require multiple tests, and they’ll check other things too, especially if you’re young.

If you ask any elite athlete or person connected to any sports committee they will know the doctor of the day to talk to. Chances are he has many people walking through his office picking up their prescriptions and leaving. Maybe also has liver analysis. Most of these doctors “treat” many professional athletes and it’s standard practice to send a entire football team to him. Just a hint…

The funniest is those that should be against roids probably have a very good relation with him or her. It’s better to know the devil than to not know what your star player is putting through his body.

The whole roids scandal is so bullshit that I feel like Neo that can see the Matrix :wink:

best regards


see i always wondered this same question about getting “stuff” leagally, but have asked a few docs due to some hernia and shoulder injuries and they always say the same thing" i wouldn’t give that stuff out" or something really freaking shitty, about why i would want them?

I will try the ant-aging clinic and then go from there, i guess,

anyonw know any good docs in cali?

Probably can’t postem, but pm me if you do, i want to talk to a “good” doc about these injuries and finally put them behind me!)



go to that website that i posted up there on one of my earlier messages and make sure and read the whole thing… if you follow it to a T then you will deff. get gear as long as you find the right doc…

sweet thanks rbizzy…!