no the footage isn’t sped up
While his technique is no less than Olympic, Batio is (IMVHO) more interesting to watch than to listen to.
A freak for sure.
I agree with above. Crazy speed, I have been playing for years but I have never even toyed with his shit.
PS - He lifts at Gold’s Gym. Damn right.
I still have the first Nitro album. Back when I was a drummer, I was a big Bobby Rock fan, so when I heard he was doing the drums on the Nitro album, I immediately ran out and picked it up.
OMG, Skwisgaar Skwigelf!
I remember when I was a kid (teen) mid/late 80’s and had been playing guitar awile already. Played a lot of VH and Ozzy (Randy Rhodes) cover stuff.
Along came Yngwie Malmsteen… Wow… OK, tackled a few songs (this was when I actually practiced a lot). Then, Racer X came out.
Another punch in the face, so, OK, learned Street Lethal and a couple others.
Then Cacophany (Jason Becker - Marty Friedman) Speed Metal Symphony. Made some headway with that.
Then, along comes Nitro. I heard them before I saw pics of who they were.
[i]“Hey!! I can play these guys stuff— What are those guitar players’ names?”
I remember being depressed for a week…
That was amazing, thanks for the post
Cool vid… An accomplished guitarist to say the least.
If you can find it, try searching for some videos of Children of Bodom ‘just messing around…’ they shred so fucking hard.
Good find, anyway.