? for the ladies

Quote: “Just don’t kiss her afterwards.”

Where’s the fun in that?

Here’s your token ladies take on this topic:
If you are into it…great!
I know guys that say they love to have a good lickin’ AND they love it when a woman will stick her finger in their ass. (I call it the “shocker”)
As for a guy doing that to me…well…warning would be nice. Cleanliness is important in that situation and to me…not just any man would get to that point of intimacy. That’s a huge trust thing.
My boyfriend, however…that’s a different story.
Experimentation is always a good thing. And how do you know you won’t like it unless you give it a try?
Just my two cents.

ben lol
it’s like this sam kenison(sp) stand up i saw. his girl stuck her finger up his ass during sex and he freaked out yelling, like he does, wtf makes you think i would like that? she says in a book i read, he yells BURN THAT FUKING BOOOOOOK.LOL

The temptation to rim a chick when giving oral is sometimes overwhelming but I have thusfar avoided it.

I think several of them got their fingers stuck. They’ll be here in a minute.

Excellent! Tell 'em to wash first.

It’s only a matter of time for you ass lickers to end up with hemis in your mouth. Bon appetit!

And whoever said baby wipes, right on. Did you just see the MTV cribs episode w/Trick Daddy or something? He recommends them for butt cleanliness.

Oh man I am LOL’ing.

what is hemis?

You need to get them to ‘evacuate’ fully before entering with your appendage of choice.

There’s nothing that kills the mood more than a girl saying ‘Sorry but I need a shit now’.

Its a sort of sphincter reflex thing when you stick something up there.

I can see possibly going over that part of her body with your tounge after a shower but to actually stick your tounge inside - no way. And this is coming from a self-confessed Ass-Man!

Ya know, I hate to even bump this back up to the top with a reply, but…

If she likes it, and you like doing it, do it.

The rest of this thread is fucking disgusting. Pull your face out and run away if it’s that bad, for God’s sake.

Fuck trick daddy, I picked that one up from this sweet little freak I hung out with when I was 17…it was a very good year.

Anyone faecal freak?

Come on there must be someone? I just want to know… is it spongy?

CREED: Are you talking about coprophilia? If so, get outta here. Theres limits to experimenting`.

(Shakes head…)