I used to hate sushi. Always made me gag a little but eventually I started liking it after having it a lot (due to taking a certain girl out to a lot sushi places).
About two months ago I went to an all you can eat sushi place (cost $24, $30 and it’s all you can drink as well) with a bunch of friends. I personally ordered about $60 worth of sushi (each roll cost about $7-8 and consisted of 8-10 pieces). Well, you can imagine what happened later.
[quote]Augie122688 wrote:
SURGE, but only post workout for some reason. most of the time it doesnt make my puke, i just feel really fuckin bad for 30 min. [/quote]
happens to me too if i drink my PWO drink too fast, usually gotta wait 10 mins.
Aw fuck, that reminds me, my low carb PWO shake is god awful. 40g of glutamine, 10g of BCAAs, 1 scoop Power Drive, and 2 scoops Strawberry Whey. BLARGH.