Flab to Fab: 2025 the saga continues

Glory days
they’ll pass you by, glory days…


Trap bar deadlift- 270x5 310x5 350x5 (belt)
Overhead press- 115x3 130x3 145x8 95x10x5 sets
Pulldowns- 120x10x5 sets - superset with overhead press

Orangetheory class- 828 calories 6 splat points

Squat- 220x5 255x5 285x5 (belt on last set)
Bench press- 165x3 190x3 215x7 135x10x5 sets
Kettlebell rows- 55x10x5 sets

Orangetheory class- heart rate monitor battery died
bodyweight 241.2 pounds

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Orange theory class - did not bring HR monitor but they had a 12 min run for distance - made 1.41 miles (which is 2.27 km)
Held a 8:30/mile pace for the first 11 min/and 7:30/mile pace for the last minute but was smoked after this
Had done 1.5 miles in 12 minutes previously but was about 20 pounds lighter so would like to improve on this.

Work has picked up so aiming to do 2 orange theory workouts and 1 weights workout each week for the next 6 weeks. Not ideal but it’s temporary.

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Realize I’ve been doing something wrong…

Been following 5/3/1 but haven’t been naming my workouts after songs…

so here’s Sunday Bloody Sunday week 1

Squats- 3x5 with deload % weights
Trap bar deadlift- 250x5 290x5 330x10
Overhead press- 105x5 120x5 140x5*

Dips-5 sets of 8
Chins(light band assist) 5 sets of 4 - broke up last set as 3+1
Kettlebell swings-70x20x5 sets

*Had just been doing 5s pro for squat and deadlift but figure to go for PR sets since only training once a week- can usually hit 9-10 reps with this weight but smoked after deadlift

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My wife inadvertently threw my heart rate monitor in the wash - kind of in “off season” mode anyway so just getting the cardio workouts in for the next month.

3/13 - OrangeTheory class

3/15- orange theory class

Squats- 205x5 240x5 270x10 (belt)
Bench press- 155x5 180x5 200x10 - last rep was limit

Done as superset:
Push ups- 5 sets of 10
Chins (assisted)- 1 set of 5, 4 sets of 4
Kettlebell swings- 55x15x5 sets

Bodyweight was 239.0 this morning

Took it easy on swings and pushups


Wednesday 3/20 Orangetheory

Friday 3/22 Orangetheory

Sunday 3/24
Squats- 135x5 185x3 225x3 to loosen up
Overhead press 115x3 130x3 145x5
Trap bar deadlift 270x3 315x3 350x3 405x2 -missed third rep
Bench press- 135x10x3 sets
TRX rows- body weight x10x3 sets

Felt like a zombie until I got to 315x3 deadlift decided if 350 felt good would jump to 405

Off script I guess but trying to mix it up and keep things interesting a lot of overtime this week/weekend trying to keep motivation high


Keep going boss! Huge results here man. It’s not easy doing this with a hectic work schedule 60-70 hours a week.

Just curious - What did you have to give up to make this possible?

I struggle to find 45 minutes everyday during busy season. Idk how you do it!

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Thanks for the kind words!

Usually get up around 5:30 days I work out to get the workout in before work

Orangetheory is pretty close and I have a home gym

Not a morning person though lots of coffee

Been doing weights on Sundays which is usually a day off or half day worst case so don’t need to rush through that

If I leave it for after work I’d never work out which is how I ended up gaining the weight

Starting to feel it though felt a bit burned out this week

Excuse my manners as I am just now processing coffee for the day lol

I assume by your post you work in accounting also? If I may ask are you in tax/audit? How long have you worked in this industry?

Squat 225x3 255x3 285x3 (belt)
Bench press- 165x3 190x3 215x3
Kettlebell row 55x10x3 sets

Definitely a “punch the clock” day

Taking next week off due to deadline may try to work in a light/deload week the following week if time permits

Pic of home gym


Didn’t really train from 4/1 to 4/15 - working 12+ hours a day and no days off. Trying to conserve whatever energy I had due to work deadline.

Started back up this week but making it a deload week, along with plenty of Mobility work and foam rolling.

I had come up with an idea for a workout a while ago but hadn’t had a chance to “test drive” it
Basically based off of this article:

I had done some of these “met con” type of workouts and felt like I had good results for fat loss, the problem was I lost ground on heavy lifts and took some time to get back to where I was, since due to the higher reps and short rest periods had to use relatively light weight (as a % of 1 rep max.) I like the idea of doing a heavy lift before the met con workout so at least you stay within “spitting distance” of your old numbers, and can make an easier transition to heavier lifting afterwards.

Want to continue orange theory. I guess my goal right now is overall fitness for lack of a more vague goal.

Basic setup I’m thinking is:
Tuesday - 5s Pro for Bench or Overhead press, followed by met con workout
Thursday - Orange Theory class
Saturday- 5s Pro for Squat or Trap Bar Deadlift, followed by met con workout
Sunday - Orange Theory class

Have a sedentary desk job but fairly active otherwise walking dog or doing yardwork/home improvements based on my supervisor’s direction (“sure thing babe…”)

May try to do some of the walks with a weight vest (I have one that goes up to 40 pounds) as I go along but to start off just want to make sure I’m recovering and adapting back to the workload.

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Bench press- 145x5 165x5 190x5

Superset 1:
Snatch grip Deadlift- 135x12x3 sets - will increase
T-Push up: bodyweight x 12 x 3 sets- keep the same
60 seconds rest

Superset 2:
Bulgarian Split Squat/overhead press combo- 8 (yes, 8 pound dumbbells’ so 16 total lol) x12x3 sets each leg - keep the same
Pulldowns- 90x12x3 sets - will increase
60 seconds rest

Superset 3:
Romanian Deadlift/Bent row combo- 95x12x3 sets - will keep the same, since increasing first 2 supersets
Lower body twist- bodyweight x12x3 sets - will keep the same
60 seconds rest

Started with baby weights #googoogaga but this still kicked my butt lol

The idea is to increase weight and decrease reps but also decrease rest periods as weeks go by


Orange theory class

Squat 195x5 225x5 255x5 (belt on last set)

Superset 1
Front squat 95x12x3 sets
Pull-down 90x12x3
60 seconds rest

Superset 2
Push press 95x12x3 sets
Kettle bell swing 55x24x3 sets
60 seconds rest

Superset 3
Lunge 65x12x2 sets 45x12 (each side)
Upper body twist on Swiss ball - 3 sets 12 reps
60 seconds rest

Exercises new to me other than kettle bell swings so started light. Will increase weights for everything except lunges next week.

Weighed 242.8 this morning. Up a bit since first 2 weeks of April didn’t train due to work deadline and spent the next week catching up with friends/family, just doing light work to ease back in and didn’t really follow a diet.

Looking back last year gained about 10 pounds January to April so in that sense off to a better start in 2024.


Orange Theory
709 calories - 11 splat points

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Overhead press 95x5 110x5 125x5

Superset 1
Snatch grip deadlift 145x12x3 sets
T push ups 3 sets of 12
60 seconds rest

Superset 2
Overhead dumbbell/step up combo- 15x12x3 sets each side (24 presses and 12 step ups each leg per set)
Pull-down 115x12x3 sets
60 seconds rest

Superset 3
RDL/bent row combo 100x12x3 sets
Lower body twist 3 sets of 12
60 seconds rest

Might use straps on RDL not heavy weight but I guess cumulative fatigue or lactic acid in forearms causing grip issues can probably use more weight that way

Next week reps go to 10 and rest goes to 45 seconds will try to bump weights up a little where possible.


Orange theory class 818 calories 14 splat points

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Trap bar deadlift 240x5 280x5 315x5 belt on last set

Superset 1
Front squat 105x12x3 sets
Overhand pull-down 100x12x3

Superset 2
Push press 100x12x3
Kettlebell swing 60x24x3 sets

Superset 3
Bulgarian Split squat 3 sets of 12 (body weight only)
Upper body twist on Swiss ball 3 sets of x12 body weight only

60 seconds rest between sets


Orange theory class 826 calories 8 splat points
Weight 241.6

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Bench press 155x5 180x5 200x5

Superset 1
Snatch grip deadlift 155x10x3 sets
T push ups 3 sets of 10
45 seconds rest

Superset 2
Overhead dumbbell/step up combo- 17.5x10x3 sets each side (20 presses and 10 step ups each leg per set)
Pull-down 125x10x3 sets
45 seconds rest

Superset 3
RDL/bent row combo 115x10x3 sets
Lower body twist 3 sets of 10
45 seconds rest

Felt a noticeable difference going from 60 to 45 seconds rest


Orange theory
913 calories
15 splat points

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