Are you guys 9 years old or something?
My 16 year old son used to watch that years ago. Now he spends his time on productive things like songwriting and mastering the bass guitar and piano.
dude dont ever compare DBZ to songwriting and piano, that shit is for nerds.
I remember watching it in college. I was really into the whole Majin-Boo series (is that the name? I forget). I stopped watching because they just draggged the hell out of it and the fight took forever, but it was still pretty kickass.
Vegita 1 to Cell is absolutely the best television I have ever watched. Toonami anyone? 5:00 till 5:30 every day after school for like 3 years. I taped it when I had practice. Goku is obviously the man, but he would have been shit without Vegita and Piccalo. Both Piccalo and Vegita were driven by power and power alone. Goku Helped both of them realize that true power is not the ability to beat someone else, or destroy things, though it took vegita a lot longer to realize this. True power comes when you use your power for others, not for yourself. All in all, not a bad lesson for a kid to learn growing up.
I still love Vegitas delivery, he was the first truly sarcastic entity I ran into. His sarcasm helped me to hone my own sarcastic nature.
The only truly epic fail of the series is Gohan. He is the first to Go SSJ2 and then in the very next saga, against Buu he is a total pussy and gets his ass handed to him left and right. The whole thing with his stupid sword and gaining all this power, then he goes and buu still hands him his ass. Pathetic, this wasn’t the angry kid I saw tear cell apart. He was destined to be the strongest, but with the condition you had to get him truly angry. But they seemed to abandon that plotline after cell.
I thought Buu saga was ok, but it was way too drawn out. GT was OK, more action, but seemed like less story development. Still very good overall though. They just set the bar too high with Vegita, Freiza, the androids and cell.
Are you guys 9 years old or something?
My 16 year old son used to watch that years ago. Now he spends his time on productive things like songwriting and mastering the bass guitar and piano.
Can’t I watch dragonball and play piano? And draw cartoons?
[quote]WolBarret wrote:
John S. wrote:
WolBarret wrote:
If you told me 10 years ago that I could watch all DBZ episode online, I would have lost my mind.
Good find.
Sayian-Saga to Cell Saga = Epic
The final Fight with kid buu is by far the best fight in the series, followed closely by Goku vs frieza then Goku vs Vegeta 1 and 2.
Bullshit. Buu saga licks donkey balls. Goku vs Freeza is probably the most epic and best all around fight. Hell, I think Freeza killed Goku, was wished back shortly after, and was able to beat Freeza.
To me, the best fights are the ones where they actually fight. Not just stand around, brag about their power, power up, and then shoot energy beams.
Buu saga was by far the fight between ssj3 goku and kid buu was amazing. And no I just watched the frieza saga today. the wishes were made before that all happened. In the manga that scene never happenes so its just more of toie filler.
[quote]LiftSmart wrote:
Vash wrote:
Am I the only one who gets angry listening to the dubbed DB/Z? Go subs or go home.
“I eat punks like you for a morning breakfast!” - Not a line conducive to awesome.
“Ore wa bakimuno? Sina. Ore wa masbigano!”
[I’m a monster? You’re wrong. I’m the devil.] - Conducive to awesome.
Isn’t Goku’s voice really weird and feminine in the Japanese version though? I can’t remember. [/quote]
The range and emotion in the Goku’s voice in the Japanese version is faaaaar superior than the american version. The sound effects were also much more awesome. That devil line gave me goosebumps when i first heard Brolly say it. I just got some now just reading it. Although I thought he said “Akuma” in the Japanese version, I might just be hearing things though.
[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
LiftSmart wrote:
Vash wrote:
Am I the only one who gets angry listening to the dubbed DB/Z? Go subs or go home.
“I eat punks like you for a morning breakfast!” - Not a line conducive to awesome.
“Ore wa bakimuno? Sina. Ore wa masbigano!”
[I’m a monster? You’re wrong. I’m the devil.] - Conducive to awesome.
Isn’t Goku’s voice really weird and feminine in the Japanese version though? I can’t remember.
The range and emotion in the Goku’s voice in the Japanese version is faaaaar superior than the american version. The sound effects were also much more awesome. That devil line gave me goosebumps when i first heard Brolly say it. I just got some now just reading it. Although I thought he said “Akuma” in the Japanese version, I might just be hearing things though.[/quote]
I’ve seen the English and Japanese ones, and the Tagalog one (I’m half Filipino) trumps both, by far. Although I guess that’s not much good to people who aren’t Filipino.
[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
LiftSmart wrote:
Vash wrote:
Am I the only one who gets angry listening to the dubbed DB/Z? Go subs or go home.
“I eat punks like you for a morning breakfast!” - Not a line conducive to awesome.
“Ore wa bakimuno? Sina. Ore wa masbigano!”
[I’m a monster? You’re wrong. I’m the devil.] - Conducive to awesome.
Isn’t Goku’s voice really weird and feminine in the Japanese version though? I can’t remember.
The range and emotion in the Goku’s voice in the Japanese version is faaaaar superior than the american version. The sound effects were also much more awesome. That devil line gave me goosebumps when i first heard Brolly say it. I just got some now just reading it. Although I thought he said “Akuma” in the Japanese version, I might just be hearing things though.[/quote]
It might have been ‘akuma.’ I always get thrown off when the voice actors slip between tones.
Toonami was glorious back when they would have the 5 and 5:30 block, the new cell episodes were amazing! Still have the videos tapes we would record the shows on toonami with. And I’d have to say Krillin was my favorite character, but ya gotta love the old fight scenes.
[quote]Vegita wrote:
Vegita 1 to Cell is absolutely the best television I have ever watched. Toonami anyone? 5:00 till 5:30 every day after school for like 3 years. I taped it when I had practice. Goku is obviously the man, but he would have been shit without Vegita and Piccalo. Both Piccalo and Vegita were driven by power and power alone. Goku Helped both of them realize that true power is not the ability to beat someone else, or destroy things, though it took vegita a lot longer to realize this. True power comes when you use your power for others, not for yourself. All in all, not a bad lesson for a kid to learn growing up.
I still love Vegitas delivery, he was the first truly sarcastic entity I ran into. His sarcasm helped me to hone my own sarcastic nature.
The only truly epic fail of the series is Gohan. He is the first to Go SSJ2 and then in the very next saga, against Buu he is a total pussy and gets his ass handed to him left and right. The whole thing with his stupid sword and gaining all this power, then he goes and buu still hands him his ass. Pathetic, this wasn’t the angry kid I saw tear cell apart. He was destined to be the strongest, but with the condition you had to get him truly angry. But they seemed to abandon that plotline after cell.
I thought Buu saga was ok, but it was way too drawn out. GT was OK, more action, but seemed like less story development. Still very good overall though. They just set the bar too high with Vegita, Freiza, the androids and cell.
x2, Gohan became the ultimate bitch in the last saga of Z, but I have to disagree about GT, GT BLEW, there was NO plot to it whatsoever (one fight would end and immediately went to the next, no development what so ever, it appeared as random or quick connections to the next part) and the fact that AT wanted to leave it after the Frieza saga is one reason why that one is my favorite (even though DBZ taught me that 5 minutes can last about 9 episodes)