just wanted to make sure I’m doing everything correctly and safely.
GHRP-6 5mg powder —> add 5ml of Bac Water 0.9% = 5000mcg per 5 ml of solution therefore 1000mcg per 1 ml of solution and therefore 100mcg per 0.1 ml of solution.
I want to try 50mcg first off and work up from there, so, using a 3/10cc u-100 slin pin, each tick = 0.01 ml and 10mcg; 5 ticks = 0.05 ml and 50mcg.
does that look right? its my first time injecting anything and i dont want to accidently do 500mcg and then eat everything in my place.
Hey guys thanks for checking. I was 100% sure the dosage was right but I just wanted to be comfortable. I administered about 75mg because I accidently wasted a bit of the first syringe and then just decided to try another 50mcg.
brook, I plan on doing at least 100mcg 2x a day 5 on 2 off. From what I’ve read in studies and user reports, doing a divided dose offers a benefit over the same dose at the same time.
The day after the injection, the 2nd injection site I used sub-q in my abdomen area is just a wee bit red and kind of sore. If i hadn’t injected I wouldn’t even really notice or care about it. I used a 29g slin pin so its a really small area and its hard to see under my stomach hair. could this be irritation caused by bac water? or is it caused by too strong of a solution? i used sterile procedures, alcohol swabbing both injection site and vial cap and only using needle to draw solution and inject.
[quote]fatcat wrote:
Hey guys thanks for checking. I was 100% sure the dosage was right but I just wanted to be comfortable. I administered about 75mg because I accidently wasted a bit of the first syringe and then just decided to try another 50mcg.
brook, I plan on doing at least 100mcg 2x a day 5 on 2 off. From what I’ve read in studies and user reports, doing a divided dose offers a benefit over the same dose at the same time.
The day after the injection, the 2nd injection site I used sub-q in my abdomen area is just a wee bit red and kind of sore. If i hadn’t injected I wouldn’t even really notice or care about it. I used a 29g slin pin so its a really small area and its hard to see under my stomach hair. There doesn’t seem to be any swelling, just a small amount of redness and slight discomfort in the inject location. could this be irritation caused by bac water? or is it caused by too strong of a solution? i used sterile procedures, alcohol swabbing both injection site and vial cap and only using needle to draw solution and inject. [/quote]
not sure that the alcohol wipes are really necessary. My GF is a type 1 diabetic and does slin injections constantly throughout the day she just sticks it through her shirt and has been doing so for several years no problem… Not trying to discourage aseptic technique just saying…
not sure that the alcohol wipes are really necessary. My GF is a type 1 diabetic and does slin injections constantly throughout the day she just sticks it through her shirt and has been doing so for several years no problem… Not trying to discourage aseptic technique just saying…[/quote]
yeah but knowing my luck id get a fatal bacterial infection the one time i inject. anyways, i did a bit of research and it seems many people have this sort of reaction to Bac water. most of the advice ive read is to just keep using it and deal with any small irritation in trade for the anti-bacterial effects of the bac water. it doesn’t really bother me as long as I know it isn’t a serious problem.
not sure that the alcohol wipes are really necessary. My GF is a type 1 diabetic and does slin injections constantly throughout the day she just sticks it through her shirt and has been doing so for several years no problem… Not trying to discourage aseptic technique just saying…
yeah but knowing my luck id get a fatal bacterial infection the one time i inject. anyways, i did a bit of research and it seems many people have this sort of reaction to Bac water. most of the advice ive read is to just keep using it and deal with any small irritation in trade for the anti-bacterial effects of the bac water. it doesn’t really bother me as long as I know it isn’t a serious problem.[/quote]
hey dirtygerdy, i read your post and thanks for writing your experiences on it, it was very informative.
i’m using the peptide purely for rehab purposes, and from what ive gathered, the dosages i am using are enough for my purposes. from what ive gathered, 100mcg is the accepted saturation dose as well as a standard dose for rehab purposes.