Hey guys, I’ve been reading a lot of these forums and I think I’ve jumped into a Test cycle with no education and for poor guidance from my friends.
I had no idea blood work was so important so unfortunately I don’t have any of those stats for you guys yet, I do plan to get it done I’m just struggling on how to go about that.
I’m a 6’ 4” male
244 lbs and I’m not sure my body fat percentage but I’m not very lean so I’d imagine it higher.
My cycle is 250mg of Test E once a week
I do a shot of 125/mg on Monday AM and one of Thursday PM
I’m 3 weeks into this and my nipples have become a bit sensitive, no lumps have started underneath but my chest does feel like something different is happening in it.
I’ve bought both Nolvadex and Arimidex, and just don’t know how to go about using them.
Also when would be the best time to get my blood work done?
Go to the Pharma section of the forum, this is where you will get better feedback.
Okay, thank you for the response.
4 weeks in for labs would be my recommendation. I wouldn’t take the AI without labs first. The Nolva tho you could start low dose to see if that helps with the nipples
Perfect thanks man. I wasn’t going to start the AI because the last thing I need is to tank my E2 which seems to be easily doable with arimidex.
I had the Nolva for PCT would it effect that if I started now or should I grab clomid for the PCT. There’s just so much info out there it’s hard to determine what’s the right choice.
I’ve made an appointment to grab my blood work next week which would be my 4th week in.
If you get e2 sides on 250mgs of test, you are not cut out for this… 200-250 should be a baseline you take forever as the bare minimum, and have no sides. Without this, you wont be able to maintain anything, and after you stop you will just return to where you were and a bit worse probably.
I would also say that there is no point of bloodwork during a blast as it is supposed to be shitty if the stuff is working, and just by knowing it is bad, it does not become healthy. If you are willing to stop as soon as your bloodwork is bad, then there is a point doing it but then again it will always be worse ON than it is OFF, so you WILL be stopping the blast as soon as you do the bloodwork - always. So i dont see the reasoning behind this.
Then again, 250mgs a week is not a blast, its a cruise dose for maintenance, so i dont even know why would you need bloodwork on something that does not even qualify as a blast(or cycle, if you wanna be stupid).
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