First Test Cycle

hey guys

im 24
5’9 - 155 9%bf, training and dieting for a local show (lightweight class for experience)
ive been training for on and off for 4 years, have gotten serious in the last year since i began work at my gym, ive ran winstrol only cycles before while not knowing much and had good results none the less (basically just because everyone else was doing it so i did) , now that ive gotten serious and figured out diet and training and have been reading constantly i think ill be ready for my first go at test in the near future (once i up my bodyweight to about 165-170), i have a good source and its all legit, the goal of this cycle is to gain 15-20 lbs of lean mass. It will be a clean bulk (i dont drink and never eat fast food etc etc) and ive been taking the time preparing for the local show to learn my body also.

i have :
test E
dbol also have Tbol (debating what to take with the test as the kicker)

also have VAR and Winny and can get any other compound but i want to keep my first cycle on the simple side.

From what i’ve read a good cycle would be:

week 1-10 - test e 500mg a week (1 or 2 shots)
Week - 1-4 dbol 30-40 or Week 1-5 TBOL 40-60
week 1-10 - arimidex .25 or .5 eOd? (source said i wouldnt need it with such a low test cycle might hinder gains so im not sure about this one, help appreciated)
week 6-12 - Proviron 50mg a day (not sure if this is smart or should I start from the start of cycle, have read its good for part of PCT though)

with the HCG im still reading a few things on the best time to start it and wether to continue into PCT, it would be 250-500ui a week tho

week 12-13 nolva 40mg ed
week 14-15 nolva 20mg ed

any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated


How much weight have you gained naturally in the past 10 weeks?

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
How much weight have you gained naturally in the past 10 weeks?[/quote]

He stated that he has been dieting.

Yes im dieting now , 170 was my highest naturally 11.5% 12% BF(bodyfat done on scale at the gym not calipers), hoping to get back up to that naturally after the show, before i do this cycle, the show i am dieting for is april 10th

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
How much weight have you gained naturally in the past 10 weeks?[/quote]

He stated that he has been dieting. [/quote]

Yeah, but he also said he wants to start once he gets back up to 165-170. Either way, 5’9 165-170 ain’t terribly large unless he’s stepping on stage at that weight.

I guess it was kind of stupid to ask that question, but IMO I think this might be a case of “learn to eat.”


[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:

[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
How much weight have you gained naturally in the past 10 weeks?[/quote]

He stated that he has been dieting. [/quote]

Yeah, but he also said he wants to start once he gets back up to 165-170. Either way, 5’9 165-170 ain’t terribly large unless he’s stepping on stage at that weight.

I guess it was kind of stupid to ask that question, but IMO I think this might be a case of “learn to eat.”


I agree.

well thats why they have weight classes and kind of hard to get to 180+ in X amount months while trying to compete in a show , the lightweight class is 145-154 , you dont have to be 200lbs to compete, im not a professional bodybuilder im trying to learn the sport, and competing at lightweight this year was a realist goal , i wasnt going to be able to gain weight from the 170 by “learning to eat” and also be able to compete and gain experience,technically i’m learning to eat in a cutting sense right now so im not sure what the problem is with that?

i never said i was starting this test cycle the day after the show, i said once i gain more weight naturally bck up to 170-175 or above from diet then run it, so say 6 months of clean eatting and learning more about my body in a bulking phase, all i asked was alittle advice before hand so i could be fully prepared when i feel im ready to do such a cycle (i only have the stuff on hand because i got a good price on it right now and would have paid more later on)

hope that didnt come across as rude or that i dont want ur guys advice, i totally get the point no need to run juice at 155 lbs because diet will help me gain weight, im asking how this cycle looks and if its good for a first cycle with the proper aint-E and HCG etc etc, once i get my weight back up, like i said ive been training for 4 years but only seriously commited myself both in diet and training for maybe the last 10 months, ive went from 155-160 with 13-14% bf to 170 12%ish BF then down to 155 9% bf learning my body along the way , some times i would lose more muscle then i wanted experimenting but overall i have changed my body comp and make up (ill post pics when i get a chance to take some new ones even and post ones from last year)

well thanks again but im asking for cycle advice for the future not doing this cycle tomorrow , so iwill be 175+ naturally by the time i decide to do this kind of cycle

At 5’9, you could easily make it to 200 lbs naturally… as long as you know how to gain weight (muscle) naturally.

I’m not going to tell you to use or not use steroids, but I think it’s in your best interest to really see what it takes to gain muscle naturally. If you cant gain weight off cycle, you’ll probably just lose the weight you gained on cycle once you come off.

FWIW, I started my first cycle at 196lbs at 5’7.

youve cut down to 155 @ 9% how long will it take you to put on 15 pounds again and how much strength have you lost while cutting? could take you a while, id focus hard on that first. Hard to focus on too many things at once.

Nail your diet and training naturally, its a must for results on cycle or youll piss ur money away.

For a first cycle at 5’9 say 190Lb, id frontload the test, run say 20-30 mg dbol max week 1-4 (if mass is what your after and it should be), use arimidex and wouldnt bother with proviron, 8 weeks of test (i like short cycles for 1st cycles), and keep 4 weeks nolva after test.

Something like this should give you a good idea and nice effect. 3 jabs a week.