Cheers to you all I m about to start my first cycle ive been training for to years started off at 140 lbs 12% bf and know im 180 at 6% bf and im 510
Here is the cycle i was told to do by my trainer a ex Mr Univers
Week 1-12; Test E (500mg monday and thursday)
Week 1-10; Deca (400 mg monday and thursday)
Week 1-10; winny ( half a cc tuesday friday)
Week 1-12; Arimidex .50mg avery 3 days
Pct will start 21 days after last pin
4 weeks Clomid
4 weeks Novaldex 50/50/25/25
never used injectable winny so can’t comment on that, but it all looks pretty good to me. You might want to get some caber in case your prolactin shoots up.
It’s a stronger cycle than most would recommend for a first run but if you’re comfortable with the risks then go ahead.
I think you’ll do great with test alone. Plus you don’t know how your body will react and if sides appear you won’t know which compound to stop taking.
Also drop the winstrol. You have no clue how to run it and I’m not going to waste my time telling you how. Go do some research.
Drop Deca 3 weeks before Test. If not you’ll understand why when you’re done with your cycle and can’t get your dick up. I would also lower the dose to 300 for a first time Deca user.
Run Arimidex 0.25mg EOD to keep the levels more stable. Plus it’ll last longer than how you suggested it. I would also advise running it into PCT. If not your estrogen levels might rebound up during PCT when you’re test levels are low, know what that means? Look it up or find it out.
Please. Please. Please. Never write in a forum that your dose will be half a cc. That’s not a dose, that’s a measurement.
You have much to learn but you have learned some knowledge so I commend you for that. Good luck.