First Stack Help


32 years old, have ran 1 previous cycle at 27
Which was

500mg test 14 weeks
No AI and no gyno
Standard pct

Went well, haven’t done one since

I currently have on hand
Dbol 20mg
Equipoise 300mg
Test 4 500mg

Now some of this I plan to take, some I plan to gift for Xmas to a friend

I was originally going to run 500mg test with 300 mg eq for 12 weeks continuing the test for 2 weeks after (could possibly be talked into running test/eq 14 weeks and test 2 weeks after that, so 14 combo 16 test ) pinning 2x a week, whilst also taking 250 iu HCG 2x a week. Kicking proviorn 25mg 2x a day for the last 8 weeks

I wasn’t going to take an AI as last time sice I seemed fine without one last time and I also know eq has slight ai effects. But I have it on hand and will also get blood work done before, mid and post cycle

However I am toying with possibility of running dbol 20mg a day either the first 4 weeks or last 4 weeks of the test/eq cycle and then finishing with an extra 2 weeks of test. And either keeping or dropping the proviron completely

Any advice is appreciated. Also I know qlot of people will say eq is to low but I’d like to start with less this time. I can always run it higher in another cycle a year or two down the road.

Is dbol worth it? And would the beginning or end of the cycle be the time to run it

Should I drop the proviorn? Should I drop the eq and run dbol/ test

Any advice or opinions are appreciated. And if the doses on anything seem low it spurposefull, I’d rather find out I have an adverse reaction on a low dose

Current stats

17% BF

My goals are just to put on muscle mass and keep as much as possible post cycle, and getting as strong as possible on cycle.

Pct will be standard chlomid/ nolva

Diet will consist of

Filet mignon
Chicken breast
Lots of whole milk
Oat meal
Lots of fruit
Potatoes (sweet, red and white)
Wheat breads
Cheddar and gouda cheese
Fish oil supplement

Will also be taking
Fat burner

Just do this again then … ?


If you can run Test and Dbol, you could just run Test a bit higher. It isn’t as toxic, and if you run it higher, you get the fullness dbol gives anyways.

I don’t see a use in a Test cycle. It can increase libido, but that is kinda the opposite of what most guys need during a Test cycle. It isn’t going to add much if any muscle.

Maybe if you want to step it up, just bump you Test up compared to the last cycle 6-700 mg/wk. It’s simple, and probably will give you the same results as 500 Test and 300 EQ.

For orals, I like Tbol. It’s a nice addition to a Test cycle. Doesn’t convert to E2. Lots of others like Anavar. I just would stay away from orals that convert to E2 while you are newish to AAS. I think you can get the same gains or similar gains with more Test, and should have less sides.

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Thanks bro. Think I’ll just run 600mg test and save the stacking for next run. That helped alot