First Labs, Need Advice

How’s It going? So I’ve been battling the majority of the symptoms listed for low T for a while now. Got my labs done recently because I wanted to get into the process of potentially looking at treatment options and I was wondering if you guys could take a look and help me get a better understanding what I’m looking at.

31 years old
Blood drawn first in the morning while fasted.

So from my basic research abilities I see my Total T is somewhat average. Slightly lower for my age group. Where I get confused in where the Free T comes into play. I understand everyone is different, peoples bodies all react different to different situations, medication and treatments. I was just wondering to get some input on these things. I don’t have very many people in my life that have gone through these treatments before so I wanted to get some advice from you guys. I have been lurking thru the forums for a while.

Thanks in advance!

Your total T is almost exactly the 50th percentile. Your Free T is a little less than the 50th percentile for your age group, but not horribly bad. SHBG is slightly over the mid range, which probably accounts for your Free T being slightly less than mid range.

Do you need TRT? That’s a personal decision. Most mainstream docs won’t prescribe it with those labs, but on-line TRT clinics probably will if you want to pay the price.

Personally, at the age of 31, I’d focus on getting your exercise and nutrition under control before I’d jump onto a lifetime medication. Unless you are solid muscle, your weight seems a bit high for your height. Improving your physical condition might help to bring down the SHBG and increase both the Total and Free T. Also, look at other factors such as drinking, which is a real hormone killer.

Your IGF-1 level would concern me. It’s definitely low, particularly for your age group. Some of the same factors that influence T levels also influence IGF-1/GH release. Minimize alcohol, minimize stress, improve sleep, improve alcohol, lose excess fat.

I agree with all of this. Although there’s no way he’s solid muscle without plenty of drugs and years of dedicated training. In which case it wouldn’t be his “first labs”.

Lower your body fat to 15% or less. Get quality sleep. Have no more than 2 alcoholic drinks per week. Then reevaluate.

If your symptoms are from your lifestyle, TRT will not fix them.

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Thanks for the feedback. I honestly came here to clear up some confusion and ask a few questions. A little more info here to clear up any question I suppose played collegiate sports, got injured, gained way to much weight (I was weighing in at 365) and lost most of It two years ago. My normal weight is around 220, how ever being locked in doors due to the pandemic and now riots, haven’t been able to partake in a regular exercise regimen lately. In my personal life I don’t drink or use drugs that’s just my personal decision no health reason behind It. As far as diet goes since losing the weight I stick to a fairly strict diet, meal prep, etc.

I guess what I’m getting at is, would there be a noticeable different in attempting to move out of the middle of road? Not a huge fan of possibly going down the path of self prescribing medicine which I see discussed in other threads.

Thanks again!

I doubt it. But depends on which symptoms are the issue.

How are morning erections? Libido?

What are your biggest complaints?

I still think you should look into dropping down to 15% body fat or maybe even less.

I would also start a body weight exercise routine and go out for walks whenever you can. There’s no reason the current situation should keep you from doing some form of exercise or training.

Good points! Also, per one of galgenstrick’s prior posts, look into sleep patterns. Guys secrete about 50% of their daily T in the early morning hours of sleep during REM. So, if you have any sort of sleep disorder (e.g., apnea), it can definitely interfere with T production. Guys who are overweight suffer more from apnea than others.

Also consider taking melatonin prior to bed time. As we get older, the pineal gland slowly atrophies and our melatonin production decreases. Melatonin is a hormone that helps you to sleep. Some people are more sensitive to melatonin than others, so some experimentation is best to find the dose that is right for you.

I tend to benefit from what many would consider a high dose, but I have no day after hangover issues, so it’s right for me. I would start with 1 mg about 2 hours before bedtime and work you way up from there. Once you get up to 3 mg, you might consider the time-released versions. They deliver half (1.5 mg) immediately and the other half about 4 hours later. This ensures you have some in your system through REM sleep, which occurs more frequently in the morning hours.

On the high side, I take 3 mg quick release 2 hours before bed. Then 3 mg of timed release 1 hour before bed, another 3 mg of timed release a half hour before bed, and 3 mg of timed release at bed time. It works wonders for me, but again, it’s a pretty hefty dose. Don’t start there, work your way up to a personalized optimal dose.

You say you have symptoms of low-T but that doesn’t mean testosterone is your problem. Your IGF-1 is low, the average 50 year old has an IGF-1 in the 150’s. Peptides can increase your natural growth hormone/IGF-1 levels.

I don’t think TRT is the answer to your problems, you’ll never get TRT anyways unless you go to a private clinic.