I just started a test e only cycle for my first injectable cycle on sun. But I ran into some complications. I was just looking to see what feedback some of the veterans had for my situation. Thanks in advance.
I injected .8 ml of test e into my right glut on sunday morning. I followed all the safety protocols as best I could (alcohol wipe vial, site, switch needles, etc.) I was nervous and I had a bit of trouble aspirating so I think I managed to move the needle around a bit. Anyway, the injection went okay except that I forgot to warm the vial. So later that night I started getting really sore and the next morning I woke up with a right glut that was almost twice the size of the other, I mean I really had J.LO. booty on one side. It was a hard swelling, like the muscle was extremely inflamed. No pitting edema, just hard swelling, red, hot, and painful.
So three days after that, the swelling was down to only 1.5 times the size of the other cheek but everything else was still there, including a fever. I researched on the internet and saw some horror stories of people having chunks cut out of their bodies due to abscesses so I decide to go to the doctor to be safe.
Told doc that I might have an abscess, she looks at it and says no its cellulitus and gives me septa ds 10 day supply. So I have been taking the meds for about 2.5 days now, but I haven’t seen much improvement.
I am currently going to try taking some benadryl because I kinda think that it is more of an allergic response to the test. The reason I think this is because the test was really high dosed…500 mg/ml. Being a newb on injectables I thought that was great because I could take 400 mg a week and go 12 weeks. Well, I have since realized that that dosage was way way too high for a beginner.
So it is day 5 after first injection and I am just wondering what is going on with me? Can anyone provide any advice or similar experiences?
When you went to the doctor, did you tell her WHAT you injected into yourself? Full disclosure with the medical pro’s, my friend, even if that gets you into trouble.
Do not self medicate or self diagnose. I’m taking a wild guess that you are not a worker in the medical field, so don’t even try it. Don’t buy the benadryl and instead go to the doc again and be extremely upfront on what you did to yourself so you get the help you need.
At least that’s what I would do, don’t know if any roid users in the board have any other thoughts on this matter.
500mg Test E? I’m guessing your (1) allergic to Ethyl Oleate*, (2) the UGL brewer’s are retarded and mad a shitty batch**, or (3) you hit a lymph vessel, and the swelling will subside.
You need to ice it, and try and keep off it as much as possible. Move as much as you are able to.
Ethyl Oleate is used to suspend high concentration gear (IE: 500mg/ml Test E, which is double the usual dosing for that compound). Many people are extremely allergic to this substance, and the first time is especially bad. Continue at your own risk.
** There’s alot of Bro-Science involved with brewing, and there are still many people out there who believe that 5% + Benzyl Alcohol (a sterilizing substance, that when used in excess can cause pain, redness, swelling and heat) actually helps suspend compounds. This is untrue and may be fucking you in the ass (literally).
Try to relax, I’m pretty sure that its not infected (atleast from what you’ve stated in your opening post), keep a close eye on it, and ice it if it isnt too painful.
[quote]PAINTRAINDave wrote:
500mg Test E? I’m guessing your (1) allergic to Ethyl Oleate*, (2) the UGL brewer’s are retarded and mad a shitty batch**, or (3) you hit a lymph vessel, and the swelling will subside.
You need to ice it, and try and keep off it as much as possible. Move as much as you are able to.
Ethyl Oleate is used to suspend high concentration gear (IE: 500mg/ml Test E, which is double the usual dosing for that compound). Many people are extremely allergic to this substance, and the first time is especially bad. Continue at your own risk.
** There’s alot of Bro-Science involved with brewing, and there are still many people out there who believe that 5% + Benzyl Alcohol (a sterilizing substance, that when used in excess can cause pain, redness, swelling and heat) actually helps suspend compounds. This is untrue and may be fucking you in the ass (literally).
Try to relax, I’m pretty sure that its not infected (atleast from what you’ve stated in your opening post), keep a close eye on it, and ice it if it isnt too painful.
Thanks PainTrainDave. Im leaning towards number 1 with the Ethyl Oleate allergy. I think my body was definitely shocked by the high concentration.
Last night I iced it and took some benadryl and this morning the redness and swelling are down considerably. I imagine it will just take some time now for it all to disperse and reabsorb into my body. Too bad the half-life on enanthate is 2 weeks. Doh!
Pretty common with the home brew. Especially at high dosage. Except we measured ours wrong and ended up with 1000mg/ml. I was sticking my quads. Was great, had these massive quads were rock hard. Would go down after about a week. I just iced mine And it came good eventually. My theory was the high dose (body just couldn’t cope with that much in the muscle) and the B.A. Ours had the consistency of thick snot. PTD has a good couple of points also. Thought I would just share my story with you so you know you’re not alone. Look on the bright side, stick your calves and enjoy the size hahaha
Im not an aas pro but ive given thousands of intra muscular injections as a medic. If it was allergy related you should have noticed hives right after your injection. Always be straight up with your doc they cant disclose you use aas or any other banned substances. Fever screams infection antibiotics can take a week or more to show any real results.