This is my third cycle and figured id give a review, looking to do the same again in round two but thinking of increasing my doses…thoughts please.
12 week cycle
-andromix 1 cc ED 50/50/50 Test P/Tren A/Mast
-d bol 50 mg ED week 1-4
-Adex .5mg eod
-HCG week 1-15 250iu 2xweek
Training has pretty much been typical 5 day split (chest, legs, arms, back, shoulders, etc) with cardio 3x week of jogging around my neighborhood and abs 2week.
I probably stuck to my diet at about 65% which im really upset about but with my results i cant complain and cant wait to run again at higher doses.
My next cycle im about planning on 600mg tren/400 test p/400 mast and andro for first 4 weeks. Thoughts and advice appreciated.
If anyone says “cutting” then diet had better be 95% on point. If not, more drugs will just keep you in that “above average” range. But when on point, the combo you have enables daily visual changes. Though the whole oral kick start isn’t probably needed. It’s more a mental thing in that you see the oral work immediately and get excited about it.
Why Dbol? Anavar or winstrol are better suited for cutting since they don’t cause water retention. They’re also milder C-17 compounds so their androgenic sides are less prevalent which is always a plus. Just my two cents.
So for the first four weeks you are going to run the following
600mg tren
400mg test P
400mg mast (ester unspecified)
50mg dbol/day
plus andromix for the first 4 weeks meaning you will be running an extra 350mg of all three compounds for the first four weeks totalling
750mg mast
750mg test P
50mg dbol
This equates to a mild dose of… 2800mg of gear/wk. What… the… FUCK, Gear can be legitimately dangerous if used like this, if you’re aware of the possibility of causing serious damage and don’t mind then… well, I guess it’s alright then, but personally I wouldn’t recommend this but I’m not your dad so… good luck. Diet matters more than drugs, it seems you are relying on drugs, however if you get your diet down and embark on this cycle you should look insane, have you ever thought about maybe competing? If you’re willing to use doses like this you probably have a shot at becoming an IFBB pro (with the right genetics, training and diet)
Also, skip the andro mix the second time around. Seems needlessly complicated. If you can handle that much tren then I suppose that’s fine, but it’s a lot of fucking tren. You really shouldn’t have any legitimate need for that amount. Look at the gains you made on 350, and then imagine your diet being on point this next time, and ask yourself if you actually need that much tren. I think you know the answer.