First Cycle**

It’s possible. Letrozole is the best for gyno, but the nolva will help if symptoms start to show.

whats with the orals?

im not saying its at all bad,just whats your reason for this.

I really do hope you are just researching this now and you dont plan on this anytime soon

I would really like to suggest visiting the stickies in this forum and going on that.

you will be much better off wit ha test only injectable cycle over a var cycle

maybe adding var to a test cycle for the added strength but its a really mild steroid I dont see someone having that huge of results in a first cycle with var.

[quote]Nich wrote:
whats with the orals?

im not saying its at all bad,just whats your reason for this.

I really do hope you are just researching this now and you dont plan on this anytime soon

I would really like to suggest visiting the stickies in this forum and going on that.

you will be much better off with a test only injectable cycle over a var cycle

maybe adding var to a test cycle for the added strength but its a really mild steroid I dont see someone having that huge of results in a first cycle with var.[/quote]

x2 Like I said, you’ll do what you want to do, but the general consensus that you’ll hear is that oral-only cycles are inferior. But with what I’ve told you it should at least be as safe and productive as an anavar-only cycle can be.

6 weeks of var at 40 mg? I’d do 4 weeks nolva just in case. But my school of thought is that PCT should be aggressive.

Also, Tamoxifen (Nolva) is carcinogenic. I prefer Clomid + AI or Torm. You have many options. A lot will depend on the severity of the HPTA shutdown.

Lastly, please wait a few years.

[quote]xXDevilDogXx wrote:
6 weeks of var at 40 mg? I’d do 4 weeks nolva just in case. But my school of thought is that PCT should be aggressive.

Also, Tamoxifen (Nolva) is carcinogenic. I prefer Clomid + AI or Torm. You have many options. A lot will depend on the severity of the HPTA shutdown.

Lastly, please wait a few years.[/quote]

Do yu know if the side affects arn’t as bad with clomid?

Have you expereicened any on a cycle with Nolva PCT? My mom used to take this stuff and it made her really sickk.

[quote]Matt155 wrote:
Do yu know if the side affects arn’t as bad with clomid?

Have you expereicened any on a cycle with Nolva PCT? My mom used to take this stuff and it made her really sickk.[/quote]

I’ve never experienced sides with either one. I’ve used high dosed clomid before. Some guys get teary eyed watching Old Yeller, so just be aware.

Done a Nolva PCT alone, but had better results with nolva + clomid. But I don’t plan on using nolva ever again.

alright thanks everyone

i plan on waiting a few years now anyways im in no rush just think its good to learn about this earlier.

I personaly like nolva,very easy transition with me.

too high a dose I turn into a blubering bitch so clomid scares me. but the things im hearing about nolva is scareing me too

but not scaring me enough to get out the game thats for sure.

but I dont know if I should try clomid or not.
I tend to get shut down pretty easy and with a nolva only pct within a week or 2 I have sore balls,like someone kicked me at times. but im back to speed in about 4-5 weeks

nolva has also kept itchy nips from turning into plump tits a few times too.

[quote]Nich wrote:
I personaly like nolva,very easy transition with me.

too high a dose I turn into a blubering bitch so clomid scares me. but the things im hearing about nolva is scareing me too

but not scaring me enough to get out the game thats for sure.

but I dont know if I should try clomid or not.
I tend to get shut down pretty easy and with a nolva only pct within a week or 2 I have sore balls,like someone kicked me at times. but im back to speed in about 4-5 weeks

nolva has also kept itchy nips from turning into plump tits a few times too.

I’m with ya on the effectiveness of Nolva, nich. I’m just a little leary of it with other chems being available now that are even better. (Referring to Torm.)

[quote]xXDevilDogXx wrote:
Nich wrote:
I personaly like nolva,very easy transition with me.

too high a dose I turn into a blubering bitch so clomid scares me. but the things im hearing about nolva is scareing me too

but not scaring me enough to get out the game thats for sure.

but I dont know if I should try clomid or not.
I tend to get shut down pretty easy and with a nolva only pct within a week or 2 I have sore balls,like someone kicked me at times. but im back to speed in about 4-5 weeks

nolva has also kept itchy nips from turning into plump tits a few times too.

I’m with ya on the effectiveness of Nolva, nich. I’m just a little leary of it with other chems being available now that are even better. (Referring to Torm.)[/quote]

I second this,
maybe time for some new “tests”

[quote]Nich wrote:

I’m with ya on the effectiveness of Nolva, nich. I’m just a little leary of it with other chems being available now that are even better. (Referring to Torm.)

I second this,
maybe time for some new “tests”[/quote]

I would perform some on myself, but can’t seem to find any Torm at the moment.

[quote]xXDevilDogXx wrote:
Nich wrote:

I’m with ya on the effectiveness of Nolva, nich. I’m just a little leary of it with other chems being available now that are even better. (Referring to Torm.)

I second this,
maybe time for some new “tests”

I would perform some on myself, but can’t seem to find any Torm at the moment.[/quote]

well hell and im sure we shop the same stores,so if you cant I sure will have no better luck.

oh well its a waiting game anyways.

Im in PCT right now with Tore.

Im very much enjoying it.

running the standard 120 taper.

I will not use nolva or clomid agian.

“one” needs to hurry up and offer it agian.

[quote]Westclock wrote:
Im in PCT right now with Tore.

Im very much enjoying it.

running the standard 120 taper.

I will not use nolva or clomid agian.

“one” needs to hurry up and offer it agian.


Your going 120, 90, 60, 30 right?

And yes, I’d buy some if the one started selling some again.

[quote]xXDevilDogXx wrote:
Westclock wrote:
Im in PCT right now with Tore.

Im very much enjoying it.

running the standard 120 taper.

I will not use nolva or clomid agian.

“one” needs to hurry up and offer it agian.

Your going 120, 90, 60, 30 right?

And yes, I’d buy some if the one started selling some again.[/quote]

Yeah, its my first time with tor, I just went for the standard taper that most “bros” use.

I think one sold out very quickly, tore is quickly becoming peoples PCT drug of choice, good stuff.

ok guys i got a pct question
is nolva the best choice for this then? would i go 20mg a day for 3 weeks afterwards? im just scared of the sides from nolva

My .02 cents

I used Anvar only cycle and if you was decent results I recommend 50mg for 6 weeks. I didn’t run a PCT because I thought I didn’t need it and it was a bad idea because I lost a LOT of the strength that I gained. But overall it is a good oral to gain strength and not too much weight.

Right now I am on week 3 of 500mg/Test C a week and it is FAR superior and cheaper.

As for PCT I plan on using clomid and I am running a AI adex.

Can i use clomid only for the anavar pct? would that prevent gyno and get me back up?

And a quick question
Right when i stop the var, is that when i would be feeling the loss of libido and all those effects right? I know its anavar and there is small shutdown but still happens

how does this sound guys

week 1 - 30mg
week 2 - 40mg
week 3 - 40mg
week 4 - 50mg
week 5 - 50mg
week 6 - 50mg

then 2-3 weeks of nolva only at 20mg a day

how long after i take the nolva would i be back to normal? i really want to keep the gains i make.