First Cycle Questions


Long time reader, first time poster.
24 years old
185lbs 9%BF
6 years traning

I have recently started my first cycle.

Week 1-8 400mg/wk Test Cyp
Week 1-5 25 mg Anavar per day
Week 1-8 .25 mg arimidex per day

My questions:

Is 8 weeks too short of a time to notice benefits from test cyp. I know it takes between 3 and 4 weeks to really start to feel something, so will this cycle be too short? Should I switch to test prop?

Also, I want to keep water retention and bloat as low as possible. With this being a moderate dose of test (400mg/wk)and using AI, if my diet is clean, what type of water retention can I expect. When I say clean : approx 3000 cals per day 40% protein, 30%carbs, 30% good fats) Any help would be appreciated

I wouldnt do test prop for your first cycle because of the frequent injections you would have to take, but it would be a good idea to frontload the prop with your cyp for the first 2-3 weeks to get things rolling, if you can get some and your not too far in the cycle.

As for the water retention i wouldnt worrry about it the adex should keep things fairly dry and once youve gone through your PCT you should have lost your bloat.

Also I would recommend taking the cyp for at least 10-12, maybe longer depending on how much you have.

PS. Google is a smart mofo… GL on your maiden voyage.

cp12 in hindsight your question would have been pretty asked prior to starting your cycle. 8 weeks is less than ideal for Cyp. You will start seeing definite progress during your second month of it and a third month would have been ideal but its not like you won’t have any gains. Running cyp for 8 weeks though is akin to testing a drag racer on a 1/8th mile track.
Also and again in hindsight, with the $$ you spent on the anavar you could have gotten another month’s worth of test