I know that the consensus on first cycles is to run Test E or Cyp at about 400-500mg/week for about 10-12 weeks along with a test taper or traditional PCT. And of course with some adex and maybe some nolva on hand!
However, wouldnt a cycle of Primobolan Depot at about 200-300mg/week for 8-12 weeks be a more safer, cost effective, and maybe a more overall effective cycle for a beginner?
With test, because of the aromatization qualities, there will be a lot of water retention and bloat from gains made which will mostly disapear after completion of the cycle.
Endogenous test will be almost completely shut off relatively fast. And the potential for bad side effects is greater(again, relatively speaking)which would feed the need for AIs and SERMS!
With Primobolan Depot, the gains would be only of good “quaility”. There is no aromatization so gyno wouldnt be an issue. Virtually no water retention, bloat, and BP issues! And endogenous test will not will not be interfered with as much as with a Test cycle! AIs would not have to be used! Loosing “quality” muscle would not be as much of an issue because test levels havent been shut off as much and recovery during PCT would be easier!
Since the beginner’s receptors are fresh and such, he would definately make at the very least, some decent gains in mass and strength!
When someone runs a test cycle and completes proper PCT,
they end up loosing the bloat, water retention and possibly some “quality” muscle that was made while on, therefore decreasing the total amount gains made!
Would this not be the same as a person running a Primo Depot cycle and completing proper PCT? Wouldnt the end result be pretty close if not identical to that of a test cycle?
Also, Ive heard of Primo Depot being stacked with other compounds and be very effective. So what about a 10-12 week cycle of 200mg of Test E/week + 200mg of Primo/week?
Or 200mg of Test E/week + Anavar 25mg daily?
-Have you checked on the cost on primo? mg to mg its much more expensive than test.
-The gains that someone would make off of 500 mg of primo compared to 500 mg of test per week would be substantially different in the favour of the test.
-500 mg of test per week does not cause much if any bloat at all with a proper diet and .25mg of adex 2x/wk.
Yes LillGuy, I have considered the cost of primo and I know its a little more expensive than test.
However, i was looking at the whole “package” of running a safe test cycle verses a primo cycle. Since the need for an AI would not be necassary with Primo, the cost for cycles would pretty much balance out.
However, i was looking at the whole “package” of running a safe test cycle verses a primo cycle. Since the need for an AI would not be necassary with Primo, the cost for cycles would pretty much balance out.[/quote]
The whole package considered, even after any bloat has left from the test, you will still be left with more quality mass and strength than a primo cycle of equal dosing. As far as the safety of the test cycle, with proper precautions many can run a low dose test cycle with minimal to zero noticable sides.
The reason why so many people run test only first cycles is because it works and it works well.
Ok, point taken! But what about the endogenous test levels? Would someone, especially a beginner, be more likely to recover from a Primo Depot cycle better than from a test cycle?
[quote]Jazz_Man1898 wrote:
Ok, point taken! But what about the endogenous test levels? Would someone, especially a beginner, be more likely to recover from a Primo Depot cycle better than from a test cycle?[/quote]
It sounds like you are dead set on running primo for your first cycle. If so good luck.
But to answer this question, you should have no problem recovering from this basic test cycle if you have your PCT planned out properly.
Actually, Im not! Im actually leaning more toward a Test E cycle for my first! Just wanted to get some input on why Test is the most suggested cycle for beginners when there are other compouds that appear (on paper at least)to be safer with the overall result being less than but comparable to a Test cycle!
Has anyone had any experience doing a cylce like this, beginner or not? Would really like to hear some success or lack thereof pertaining to a Primo Depot cycle!
Bushy has posted before about about a cycle that he ran with 400 test, 600 primo and I believe some masteron as well. Im fairly sure this is what it was and the correct ratios however not completley positive.
He was quite happy with the results, however this is still not the same as what you are looking for.
I think I remember a thread in which the OP (this might have been Bushy as well) ran up to 1000mg-1500mg/week primo and was happy with the results. The overall weight gain was not huge but he noted excellent vascularity and leaness while adding weight.
Wow! 1000-1500 mg/week of Primo is pretty high,at least for a beginner I think! Do you think that some good gains can be made from lower dosages, say around 400-500mg/week of Primo Depot?
I think 700mg/wk primo would be a pretty cool beginner cycle. I would throw in dbol for 4-6wk, but I would always “throw in dbol for 4-6wk”. The main problem is price and availability for the gains you get.
I’m going to have to go ahead and say no for multiple reasons.
higher dose needed for lesser results
need for multiple compounds since primo alone won’t do much
need for a conventional PCT since you apparently want to stay away from test
more time off in between cycles because of #4
less effective and slower recovery because of #4 as well
In my opinion, primo is not a cycle base, it’s something you add, sort of like tren, dbol, and masteron. In my opinion, yet again, do a cycle without test and be prepped for disappointment-- except in one case: multiple 3 week cycles of winstrol+anadrol.
It’s your first cycle and I’ll tell you the same thing I tell every other new guy: start it right, meaning test. How you go about it is up to you. However seeing how you are at 18% bf and your lifts/physique are rather mediocre, a 12 week cycle of 500-600mg/wk would do you best. That is if you are bound and determined to run a cycle. Follow that up with a taper and you’re looking at a marvelous cycle for under $200 altogether. Adex would be a nice thing to have, but don’t use it till ya need to.
Lastly, sorry to tell ya bud, but you don’t need to be running a cycle. And to be quite honest, you shouldn’t. Your posts have illustrated an absolute lack of knowledge on your part regarding AAS and your pictures illustrate the same regarding diet and training.
You need to make some sort of progress natty first before you think about this. Chances are you’re not only ignorant, but stubborn as well and will run this fucker anyway. That is the reason I gave you a proper protocol-- so you don’t fuck up and hurt yourself.
I know this thread maybe getting a little old now, but was a decent read. I have been considering a primo cycle if i do a cycle at all for reasons being choesterol! fucking shit of a thing mine is up a little bit, so i have asked a couple guys and also read that primo does not have much of an impact on your HDL and LDL.
I’m off very sleepy.
Well i have run promibolan Enanthate alone at a dose of 200mg for a short time, and got very little. IMO you would need at LEAST 400mg for a period of no less than 12 weeks. This is about 4x more costly that Test and 2x more costly than Test and ancillaries!
However test at 400mg a week plus Primo from 2-600mg a week would be a lovely stack as primobolan is just an aabolic basically - no nasty stuff, just anabolism and when added to an AAS like Testosterone the results will come into their own. Throw in Proviron and you’ll have a worhwhile stack for a beginner/intermediate.
Primo alone is nly worth it at 600mg a week and then it will probably shut you down anyway!
And IMO Test doesnt shut me down hard at all - not like a 19-Nor at least.
[quote]World1187 wrote:
A primo beginner cycle, eh?
I’m going to have to go ahead and say no for multiple reasons.
higher dose needed for lesser results
need for multiple compounds since primo alone won’t do much
need for a conventional PCT since you apparently want to stay away from test
more time off in between cycles because of #4
less effective and slower recovery because of #4 as well
In my opinion, primo is not a cycle base, it’s something you add, sort of like tren, dbol, and masteron. In my opinion, yet again, do a cycle without test and be prepped for disappointment-- except in one case: multiple 3 week cycles of winstrol+anadrol.
It’s your first cycle and I’ll tell you the same thing I tell every other new guy: start it right, meaning test. How you go about it is up to you. However seeing how you are at 18% bf and your lifts/physique are rather mediocre, a 12 week cycle of 500-600mg/wk would do you best. That is if you are bound and determined to run a cycle. Follow that up with a taper and you’re looking at a marvelous cycle for under $200 altogether. Adex would be a nice thing to have, but don’t use it till ya need to.
Lastly, sorry to tell ya bud, but you don’t need to be running a cycle. And to be quite honest, you shouldn’t. Your posts have illustrated an absolute lack of knowledge on your part regarding AAS and your pictures illustrate the same regarding diet and training.
You need to make some sort of progress natty first before you think about this. Chances are you’re not only ignorant, but stubborn as well and will run this fucker anyway. That is the reason I gave you a proper protocol-- so you don’t fuck up and hurt yourself.
THIS is why you’ll be missed World! Good fucking advice here - and even covered the bases.