First Cycle Opinions (Test E)

Hello everyone,

i’m excited to hop on my first cycle and i’ll love to get your opinion about it (Intending to have kids one day :smile:) (25 YO, training for 5 years, weight 180 pounds (Lost muscle traveling for 6 months), height 6’1", 12% BF)

So here’s the plan:
EDIT: After reading a lot more and getting your comments i propose this instead of what originally posted:

Weeks 1-8:
Test E 2x250mg/Week
Arimidex 1mg/Week
Weeks 2-6
HCG 250IU twice a week

Weeks 9-10-11:
Clomid 50mg/ED

i’ve also heard mixed opinions about aspirating before injecting. is it BS? it sounds pretty painful.

Thanks a lot, sorry for (if) bad english :slight_smile:

This is the wrong forum.

Go here: Pharma - Forums - T Nation

And read stickies found here: About the Pharma category - #2 by KSman

If you fuck up your HPTA, then you can come back here and talk about TRT.

1mg Arimidex/anastrozole is good for 100mg T per week and will not be enough to manage 500mg/week. Inject T twice a week and take 1.5mg anastrozole at that time. You need lab work to do things right. Your PCT is dangerous because you do not know anything about it, and most of what you will find will be wrong.

Few points:

About you.

  • You do not seem ready for steroids as it seems you are using them as a “quick fix” for 8 weeks post travelling to bulk you back up abit… You can easily do that naturally.
  • You do not have the knowledge regarding anything about steroids so I suggest you throroughly research these forums before you even consider any steroid use.

About the cycle.
-8 weeks is ok but 12 is prefferable with a long ester. Could do Test Prop for 6-8 weeks.

  • Adex needs to be 0.5mg eod. Guess you could take 1mg 2x per week but not optimal.
  • Add in HCG @ 250iu 3x per week up until PCT.
  • PCT should be nolvadex @ 20mg ED for 8 weeks. Could use Clomid @ 25mg ED but ide go with Nolvadex.
  • You need to pin intramuscularly, unless you are shooting MAX 0.5ml… If you do not get intramuscular the oil will sit between skin/fat/muscle and likely cause irritation and not absorb that quickly. So, unless your delts are super lean ide got with a 1inch 27g… Maybe bigger for glutes if you could loose a few lbs.


Thanks for your replies.
i got a few things to say:

  1. I know 10-12 wks would be better, but unfortunately i can’t so i’ll have to stick to 8 weeks.
  2. about the HCG usage - i’m really not sure what to do, there are mixed opinions and i’m afraid to suppress LH levels as i want kids one day
  3. maybe i had to be clearer but i’ll split the dose into 2x250mg a week.
  4. The PCT will be Clomid 50mg/day for 11 days.

this is not long enough. PCT lasts a month

But it’s really a basic test only cycle, is there really need for longer PCT? i have a friend that competes for years (i know its not a guarantee for knowledge but…) who told me that because the cycle is so basic and test only its more than enough… he also told me that when i’ll use multiple compounds then a longer PCT will be in need.
So, is it really problematic to pct for just 10-11 days?

thanks a lot !

I’m not sure how I could have been more clear

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That’s pure broscience. Test will shut you down just as hard as any other compound. 5-8 weeks PCT is your best bet.

Thanks for your replies.
4 weeks 50mg clomid ED should be appropriate?

And another question: i am going for a trip two weeks in my pct for ten days. There shouldnt be a problem bringing clomid with me, right?

Thanks again!

Then why not stay natural until you have had kids?

And you need HCG on board @ 250iu 3x per week.

After reading a lot more and getting your comments i propose this instead of what originally posted:

Weeks 1-8:
Test E 2x250mg/Week
Arimidex 1mg/Week
Weeks 2-6
HCG 250IU twice a week

Weeks 9-10-11:
Clomid 50mg/ED

Whats do you guys think?


Not sure what your dysfunction is, but this is crap for the reasons listed above.

Not sure what your dysfunction is, but this is crap for the reasons listed above.

can you please explain?

HcG should be run at least 3x a week @250iu if not every other day. PCT should be a minimum 4 weeks but probably 8 to be safe. This is just restating what has basically been already said in this thread.

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And HCG should be used ALL THE WAY THROUGH CYCLE until a few days before PCT… Its really not that hard to grasp lol.

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