At start just to say English is not my first language.
Lets start
First Cycle, 25 years old, 185 cm height, 103 kg, training 7 years, bf 18 percent.
Cycle lenght will be 12 weeks.
I will use test.enantan (i am from Serbia and it cost 1 amp 250 mg less than 1 dollar) and boldenon sterox lab 300 mg 1ml.
I would take 500 mg of test and 600 mg of boldenon every 5 days. Nolvadex daily 10-20mg.
And two weeks after cycle PCT with clomid and nolvadex.
Is this good or not ?
I would rather run an AI on cycle instead of a SERM
Pct should start 2 weeks after last pin of test and 3 weeks after last pin of EQ, so plan accordingly
Pct of Nolva an clomid is good
Just do the test alone. Trust me. Leave the boldenone till next time.
[quote]Gcortese wrote:
Just do the test alone. Trust me. Leave the boldenone till next time.[/quote]
Thank you for response.