First Cycle Need Some Help

So it’s my first cycle, here’s what i’ve designed:
Week 1 : Equipoise : 600mg/week(front load)
Test Cypionate 500mg/week

Week 2 : Equipoise : 600mg/week(front load)
Test Cypionate 500mg/week

Week 3 to 10 : Equipoise 300mg/week
Test Cypionate :500mg/week

Week 10 : HCG :2000 IU per five days

Week 12 : 40 mg Nolva/day

Tell me what you think about it.


Hhaha sorry it was a typo , 500/week



Should i add clomid in the PCT?

I would stop the eq at week 8 and continue the test thru the 10th week as you have planned…Start the pct at week 12. I personally feel that clomid is superior to nolvadex for restoring the hpta, but with both being serms, their mode of action is pretty much the same. Try a couple weeks w/ clomid and a couple weeks w/ nolvadex and see which one suits you best.