[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
[quote]Hintonshawn88 wrote:
Dumb people make me feel so much better about myself[/quote]
The other day you told somoene to do high rep sets to get cut up.
But I guess, in your opinion, lack of AAS knowledge is worse than lack of general fitness knowledge…[/quote]
LOL! Ouch!
July 9, 2011, 11:21am
Rhetorical questions, unfortunately, are still questions and require the use of punctuation denoting the asking of a a question, hence the requirement for a question mark.
July 9, 2011, 9:58am
[quote]bchrisen wrote:
*Sigh [/quote]
Lol… maybe i should have just let it go…
Hopefully the opener just got discouraged by all this nonsense and gave up on his cycle…
July 9, 2011, 2:33pm
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
[quote]Hintonshawn88 wrote:
Dumb people make me feel so much better about myself[/quote]
[quote]Singhbuilder wrote:
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
[quote]Singhbuilder wrote:
How can you expect to be taken seriously if you cant even spell.[/quote]
You forgot a quesiton mark.
It was rhetorical, not supposed to be a question. You also spelt question wrong :)[/quote]
It was intentionatory…
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
[quote]Singhbuilder wrote:
[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
[quote]Singhbuilder wrote:
How can you expect to be taken seriously if you cant even spell.[/quote]
You forgot a quesiton mark.
It was rhetorical, not supposed to be a question. You also spelt question wrong :)[/quote]
It was intentionatory…
So was the missing question mark