hey guys its been forever since ive posted here, but during that time ive decided to do my first cycle, i got some dbol from a guy and he gets it from a website, well ive taken 10mg day for 5 days and this shit has to be fake, i feel horrible, no strength increase no aggression nothing, i feel sick, dizzy, loss of appetite, cant sleep, cant eat, i thought it was blood pressure but checked it everyday and its fine, taking in 4500 calories a day and drinking tons of water,
i was just wondering your guys’ thoughts but im stopping using this shit i dont care if its real or not i do not want to feel like this, i actually feel weaker, so thanks for all replies
10mg is a very low dose but I assume you were taking it preworkout. 10mg preworkout should provide some noticeable effects. Your stuff is likely fake. You can find out for sure if you take 50mg pre workout and feel nothing.
well i would run the stuff longer if it didnt make me feel so fuckin bad, i cant even hardly walk around im so dizzy and light headed, and i feel so sick throughout the day i cant do shit, im guessing its fake but i dont want to take anymore, just wondering if you guys think its fake or not
[quote]pure_country wrote:
i havent paid the guy yet for the shit so i think ill give it back and just save my fuckin money for test, sound like a good idea to you guys?[/quote]
Please take bonez217’s advice and try taking 40-50mg about 45 minutes before you train next time. Real dbol will have you seriously pumped and getting a few extra reps. If you take 40-50mg and nothing then conclude its fake and return it and dont pay for it