First cycle dbol at 43 years old

Hey guys. I’m hesitant to make this thread because I’m a new user to this forum. I’ve been working out consistently since 12. Had a few years where I fell off but have been super consistent for the past 10 years (5-6x/week).

I’ve been on TRT for over a year. 200mg/wk. definitely seen some strength gains in that time.

However, I’d like to get to 205lbs, I’m currently stuck at 191-193.

My buddy suggested dbol. He’s been on it regularly for 24 years. I’m open to the idea, but just concerned about any issues it could cause my heart or liver.

I’ve got a shipment on the way from him. 50mg capsules, but he’s advised to not take more than 25mg/day. I’ve considered taking an even lower dose at 10mg.

My latest labs were done 2 months ago, and nothing was out of the ordinary.

Only thing I have been running into is a blood iron count of 18 whenever I give blood, so a tad higher than normal.

So, not sure if I should do the dbol or not. This will be my first try with anything other than TRT.

My stats
18% BF
Bench 330
Deadlift 460
Squat 400
Snatch 225
Clean 285

Here’s a pic I just took. Not flexing, worked out 3 hours ago. I’m perky doing to for vanity but don’t want to fuck up my health long term.

Did you forget to put a “1” in front of that?


I’d say for most guys in your position (already in decent shape, already on TRT), that just bumping up Testosterone would be the best route.

Watch your BP while doing this (and also just be on top of BP all the time). I’d do cardio consistently if you want to blast and cruise as that helps with BP and heart health. I like to use 20 mg of Telmisartan while blasting just to keep things around the normal range (I don’t freak out about something like 125/85). Test shouldn’t have much impact on your liver or kidneys if you keep BP in check.


Shit yep it was supposed to be 18

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Thanks for the reply. When you say blast then cruise Are you saying bump up the test to 400 mg a week for a certain period of time and then bring it back down to 200/week?


That is a form of it, yes. A lot of people around here do have their cruise as their TRT dose. Lots of BBer or strength athletes will cruise on more than TRT, but IMO, that is getting into the territory of high probability of health consequences down the road.

But yeah, blast and cruise is having periods of lower dosages, then periods with higher doses. Can be with other drugs, or just with Test.

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How many weeks would you suggest blasting T, and what dose? Again, my main goal is to add 10lbs of muscle. Also, when I go back to my normal 200mg/wk are the gains kept if I continue my same protein intake and workout regime?

Sorry for the newb questions

I’d do at least 12 weeks @ at least 500mg/week.
But 10 lbs of pure muscle is not gonna happen with one blast. Not with test, not with dbol. You may even gain 20+ pounds in bodyweight, but not 10 of those are gona be muscle. Muscle is hard to get, even harder to keep. But you should in theory be able to keep more than people that do PCT, if you know what ur doing. You should be VERY happy with say 6 lbs muscle gain when you reach your trt steady state again afterwards.
Also, have an AI on hand. Maybe all is good at your 200mg/week, but you don’t know what will happen when you tripple your dosage for example.


Just be cool, cruise until you get to 12 percent.

I have done DBol on TRT and it isn’t worth it.


Basically what @Andedonia recommends.

I also think this is a good thing he mentioned.

Most people have unrealistic expectations regarding steroids. I have a bit of experience myself, and know about a half a dozen guys that have done them as well. 10 lbs is a lot of muscle. Most of the guys that look like they are on steroids do a lot of steroids, and do them frequently (exceptions exist, but this is true for the majority). Most are blasting and cruising (not doing PCTs), or they are permablasting. Most have been doing it for several years (likely after training awhile naturally).


Dbol does was test does, it’s just worse for you. You’re already on TRT, I’d just up the dose, double it, for 12 weeks


Well being that the dbol is on route you may as well give it a go provided the pros still outweigh the cons. However in the future I would look at tbol as an oral option. Less mass yes, but generally less side effects. I kind of agree with the other posts. I would just up the test

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I actually ended up giving the dbol away, and started anavar. I tested it and it tested positive for it, just not sure of the concentration level. Here’s the kind I got.

Doing 50mg/day split into two doses. I chose this because from everything I read there are much less side effects and the strength gains seem somewhat permanent.

Also, here are my latest numbers from an inbody scan I did yesterday

If you could take only one AAS, milligram for milligram, IMO, there is no better AAS than Dianabol for adding muscle.

It was the primary AAS for bodybuilders in the 1960’s and about half of the 1970’s. (I started taking Dianabol-only in 1971.)

Now if you are going to be stacking AAS, that is a much better method than the Dbol-only approach.

This seems a little high for true TRT. What is your Total Testosterone value when tested in the trough?

If I were you I would probably stack about 20mg/day of Dbol on your TRT for 8 weeks on, followed by 8 weeks off (just TRT). From my experience you will feel strength gains from Dbol by the 10th day after your first dose.

You can substitute a different AAS for your 8 week blasts. Where either Anavar-only or Winstrol-only is a bad idea, because both will tend to stop your natural testosterone, but don’t offer enough of an androgenic effect (where Dbol does.) Your TRT will handle the androgen issue.