This is it, I decided to start my first cycle, before talking about the cycle itself I shoot some info about myself so you can all have a better judgement.
Currently: height: 6’'1
weight: 200lbs 9% bf
Have been training for 6years overall but, remove the first since I was unaware of . , what I was doing.
I’ve been in my college athletic team, winning several honors in sprints (100m/200m)
Played football for 10years and I did some powerlifting comps when I was lighter!
Diet: Meal 1: 2/3 cup of oatmeal, 1scoop whey with 1/2scoop raspberry/blueberry, 1 cup skim milk, 4eggs white and 2 full eggs
Meal 2: 1cup greek yogourt with 2tbs of almond butter and 1/2scoop of raspberry/blueberry
Meal 3: 6-8oz chicken/fish/pork/ red meat with 1/2 brown rice and 1scoop of green veggies
Meal 4: Protein shake with natural greek yogurt 0% with rasperry cup
Meal 5: 6-8oz chicken/fish/pork/red meat and 1 scoop of green veggies, fish oil
Bedtime meal: Cottage cheese with almond butter.
green veggies would be broccolis, aspargus, green beans or spinach
Supplements: Multi-vits, fish oil and whey
I switch up my training routine each 2months, I’m sure you all know why but atm it’s:
Chest/Triceps: Incline DB press 4sets 8-12 till failure
Incline DB flies 4sets 8-12 …
DB bench press 4sets 6-8…
Modified push up 3sets until failure
Superset:Skullcrushers 10-12
Close grip BP 8-10 3sets
Rope pushdown 4sets 10-12 till failure
Overhead DB triceps extension 4sets 8-10 final drop set
Back/Biceps: Deadlift 5sets 5, set 4 is max weight for 1 rep
Wide-grip pullups 4sets 10
Bent T-Bar row 4sets 8-10
One arm DB row 4sets 8-10, final drop set
Straight-arm pulldown 3sets 10-15
EZ-bar DB curls 2strict sets 10-12/2 cheat sets 4-6
Superset:Incline DB curls 8-10
Hammer curls 4sets 8-10
Quads/Ham: Squat or Front squat 4sets 14-16 10-12 6-8 4-6
Leg press 4sets 8-10
Superset: Leg extensions
Romanian squat (with weight)4sets 10-12
Straight-legged deadlift 3sets 8-12
Standing leg curls 3sets 8-12
Seated leg curls 4sets 10-12
Shoulders/Traps/(Calves): DB shoulder press 4sets 8-10, final drop
Side lateral raise 4sets 10-12
Reverse pec deck 3sets 10-14
Superset: Front raise
Upright BB row 3sets 8-10
BB shrug 4sets 6-10 till failure
Sorry if that part was long but I wanted to be sure everything was written down so you could see how my eating and training habits are. Finally for cardio… I don’t really do this but if needed Ill do some HIIT on my off days.
For my first cycle I’run:
Test e 10weeks@ 500mg so 2injections of 250mg by week, probably tuesday night and saturday morning.
PCT would start 2weeks after last injection
running Nolvadex and Clomid
(This is the darker spot so much confusion)
Clomid: 50mg 4weeks
Nolva: 20mg 2weeks-10mg 4weeks
I might throw in a diueretics since test e have some sort of bloating effect.
If everything’s good I will post some before/after pics just to see the results
Hope I dont post a stupid threat and you members could come back with some good advices!!