Geee… you look familiar
Had to give you a 9. Hard to believe you’re a mother of 4. Awesome job. I see so many women that “give up” after having a kid. I commend the ones that don’t.
i guess i could make a joke here about the Murray Institute for Lifelong Fitness, but I’ll keep it classy and just say you look great. I give you an 8, plus an extra point for having 4 kids.
[quote]K O N G wrote:
Had to give you a 9. Hard to believe you’re a mother of 4. Awesome job. I see so many women that “give up” after having a kid. I commend the ones that don’t. [/quote]
But should we commend the ones who don’t just because they didn’t get fat? Or should we commend them for their hard work.
“Fine, Rate Me Then”
I agree with you. You are truly fine!
A mother of 4! Amazing, keep up whatever you’re doing. It’s working.
You go girl!
Wow! Your legs and Abs are awesome!
You look fantastic! Good job!
2 out of 10
Damn, cochese should put up a photo. People who don’t PUT UP, should shut up, correct?
[quote]coachese wrote:
2 out of 10[/quote]
[quote]coachese wrote:
2 out of 10[/quote]
what a dope head.
i bet you look amazing in a pair of jeans. laters pk
Ignore the ignorant! You look GREAT!
Phenominal!! Out of curiousity, how much was the most you ever put on after pregnancy? Oh, and a rating of 8/10 and 10/10 for inspiration.
NICE WORK! Good to see some excellent representation from the Constitution State!
Very sexy.
Phenomenal! That is the product of hard work and determination. Your Husband is one lucky Son of a @%(&
msfitness, you look awesome for a mother of four!
hey i’m the father of three and I look ok
AWESOME!!! The world needs more moms like you! Keep up the good work