I wasnt sure exactly where to post this but the nutrition/supp forum seems most fitting.
To my knowledge you cannot get Biotest products in regular supplement stores. My brother wants to get into shape and I recommended he get some HOT-ROX to help with the fat loss. I told him he’d need to order it through my account with T-Nation.
Today, however, he comes home with a bottle of Regular HOT-ROX, (not Maximum Strength or Extreme) that he got from The Vitamin Shop. So anyone know whats up? Has Biotest started sellling their products in stores?
[quote]mthomps wrote:To my knowledge you cannot get Biotest products in regular supplement stores. My brother wants to get into shape and I recommended he get some HOT-ROX to help with the fat loss. I told him he’d need to order it through my account with T-Nation.
Today, however, he comes home with a bottle of Regular HOT-ROX, (not Maximum Strength or Extreme) that he got from The Vitamin Shop. So anyone know whats up? Has Biotest started sellling their products in stores?[/quote]
Biotest sells some products in stores, like Fahrenheit, HOT-ROX and Spike.
They used to sell more products in stores, but decided to stop using them as middlemen and sell direct to cut down on the selling price.
Like Rsg said, the supps sold here are supposed to be more potent than what’s found in stores.
This happened a few years ago and TC or Tim wrote up an article about the decision but I couldn’t find it.
My local Vitamin Shoppe had a nice little display of Spike Shooters for sale when I went on Saturday. Too bad the markup was almost twice that of the T-Nation Store.