I Really Need your advice and experience. Please read my long post i would really appreciate your time and effort.
Happily completed 9 weeks into TRT.
Dosage 60 mg Test Enanthate every 3.5 days. (120 mg/ week ).
Arimidex 0.25 mg twice a week( with shots).
Heres the lab results after 9 weeks.
T= 700 ng/dl
Estradiol= 22 ( non sensitive) regular method.
SHBG in check. 30 nmol/l
Significant improvements in the following areas ( Thanks to Almighty and after that KS MAN and this forum for guidance ).
Sleep has been improved.
Mood is way better than before.
Fatigue has gone out of the window.
I feel more energetic.
I have more confidence.
I have started to loose fat.
Appetite is decent.
I dont feel suicidal anymore.
Now i need your help in regards to libido, morning wood and errections.
Before TRT i had zero libido but now i can say i have somewhat decent libido but if i have to quantify i will give it a 30% improvement.
Secondly before TRT i had no morning wood, zero to none but now the tool is trying to raise head but still a long way to go as far as robust wood is concerned.
I really need your experience here to adjust my dosage.
I am pretty sure my E2 is lower than what required probably much lower than 22 as this is on the non-sensitive method. Unfortunately i do not have facility of sensitive E2 test in my country.
Test is at 700. My current dosage is 60 mg test E every 3.5 days (120 mg/week). How much should i increase my Test dosage to see more positive changes in libido and errection department. Basically I am trying to raise E2 just a few points to see what happens.
For example
140 mg per week( current 120 mg per week)
Cut my arimidex dosage to 0.25 mg per week from 0.5 mg per week. I am trying to find my sweet spot. I think i am pretty close to getting dialed in.
If you have any other angle of seeing my situation please do share.
Your words will mean a world to me. Please share your thoughts.
Thanks in advance.