Ok guys. Final survey and thoughts. I was going to start daily shots but after calculating my availability daily has to be eliminated. Here are the details:
- I get 3 vials of test E 200 mg/ml (5 ml vials) = 3000 mg test for 92 days
- I have 32.6 mg daily testosterone at my disposal
- I can only use 1 ml luerlok syringes with a 26 gauge 5/8” inch needle
- my loss per injection is 0.05 ml due to needle dead space. This translates to 10 mg testosterone loss per injection
- so my goal is 200 mg a week divided
- if I inject daily 28.6 mg + 10 mg loss I’m using 38.6 mg daily. My limit is 32,6 mg. Using 38,6 mg daily would require 3551 mg for my 3 month supply. That’s an extra half bottle which I won’t have.
- So this eliminates daily
Now finally for your guys views.
- go to EOD 55 mg + 10 mg wasted = 2990 mg so within 3000 mg budget
- go to every 3 days 88 mg + 10 mg wasted = 3005 mg
- or even every 4 days 120 mg + 10 mg wasted = 2990 mg so within 3000 mg budget
Trt 1.5 years. Currently on 66 mg every 4 days. SHBG 32. Through TT 739, FT 18.2, E2 45 non sensitive.